path: root/ss2017/cryptography/Notes07.txt
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authorGregor Kleen <>2017-10-24 15:33:07 +0200
committerGregor Kleen <>2017-10-24 15:33:07 +0200
commit162df3190c4e179ef968b0a467ddd4951faba336 (patch)
tree3c9628cf1abf259e1b897ac14b006e2b448cff27 /ss2017/cryptography/Notes07.txt
parent92ed41381f40c97b52b0e96f0eaeaa9025091411 (diff)
Notes on cryptography
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17 Practical block ciphers. Principles: s/p- and Feistel networks (5.1-5.2)
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4We now describe how pseudorandom functions and block ciphers are
5practically constructed. The constructions given do not ensure the
6pseudorandom property, and in fact do not even fit into the asymptotic
7paradigm since the blocklength is typically fixed. Their design is
8guided by heuristic principles and the practical evidence that so far
9no attacks have been found. As already mentioned, there are other,
10less efficient constructions that merely require the existence of a
11PRG, but again, the latter has not yet been shown to exist
14In this section, a block cipher (of key length n and block length l)
15thus is simply a function F:{0,1}^n x {0,1}^l -> {0,1}^l such that F_k
16given by F_k(m)=F(k,m) is invertible (a permutation) for each k.
18Claude Shannon formulated two important principles guiding the design
19of block ciphers:
21Confusion: statistical regularities in the plaintexts, e.g. letter
22frequencies or frequencies of n-grams should not show up in the
25Diffusion: changing one bit of the plaintext should (on average)
26change a large proportion, e.g. one half of the bits in the
29These principles are not rigorously defined and should be seen rather
30as guidelines. The following procedure shows intuitively how they
31could be observed.
33Let us say that the key comprises 16 byte-substitutions f_1, ... f_16
34: {0,1}^8->{0,1}^8, e.g. various shifts or other operations. So k =
35(f_1,..,f_16). A first attempt at constructing a block cipher of
36length 128 would be as follows:
38F_k(x) = f_1(x_1) ... f_16(x_16)
40where x is decomposed into 16 consecutive 8-bit blocks (bytes) x_1
41.. x_16.
44This introduces confusion because each byte is subjected to a
45different permutation. However, the cipher still has insufficient
46diffusion since x1 only influences the first byte of the ciphertext
47etc. This lack of diffusion implies in particular that with chosen
48plaintexts we can learn parts of the value tables of individual key
51To remedy this, we subject the individual bits of the ciphertext to
52some global, known permutation P:{1..128}->{1..128} of the positions
53and repeat this entire procedure several times ("rounds"). After a few
54rounds a large degree of diffusion will be reached ("avalanche
55effect") provided that the permutation mixes across block boundaries
56and that the substitutions in themselves already achieve a certain
57degree of diffusion in the sense that each input bit influences
58several output bits and vice versa.
60The substitutions and permutations used in each round need not always
61be the same which then leads to the following general pattern.
62Repeatedly break the text into equal size blocks, e.g. bytes which are
63subjected to individual substitutions. Afterwards, the bits are
64shuffled across the entire text using a permutation of the
65positions. The key determines the substitutions and permutations being
66used. Some of them may be independent of the key.
70- - - - - - -
72A substitution-permutation network (S/P-network) implements this idea
73in principle, however, neither the substitutions f_i, nor the
74permutations on positions depend on the key but are rather fixed
75upfront. In this way, confusion and diffusion are maintained, but of
76course key dependency needs to be introduced one way or another. This
77happens by XOR-ing the intermediate results with parts of or a known
78function of the key. The key itself is often called *master key* and
79the portions of it used as XOR-masks in the different rounds are known
80as *key schedule*. The substitution functions being used are commonly
81known as *S-boxes*. The permutations on positions are called *mixing
82permutations*. Thus, in an S/P-network the message is repeatedly
83subjected to the following three steps:
85a) XOR-ing with keys derived from the master key through a key schedule
86b) blockwise application of the S-boxes
87c) global application of a mixing permutation
89There are a number of principles to be followed when designing an
921. The S-boxes used *should be invertible* for otherwise one would not
93obtain an invertible cipher in the end.
952. The S-boxes *should not be linear* functions in the sense of XOR
96for then the entire cipher would be a linear function which opens it
97up to a variety of attacks based on solving linear equations, see
98below. In fact they should not even be close to linear functions in
99the sense of Hamming distance.
1013. The S-boxes should implement the *avalanche effect*. Changing one
102bit in the input changes at least two bits in the output no matter
103what the other bits are set to. In addition, the mixing permutations
104should spread the output bits of any given S-box, i.e. in one block to
105different S-boxes, i.e. blocks in the next round.
107It is not hard to see that after a modest (polynomial in the message)
108number of rounds these design principles ensure sufficient diffusion
109because after each round the number of bits affected by a single bit
110flip in the input roughly doubles.
114Attacks against badly designed S/P-networks
115- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
117Suppose we have an S/P-network with only one round. Given a plaintext
118m and a ciphertext c we can then work out the key as follows. Undoing
119the (known!) mixing permutation and the S-boxes yields c' := m+k from
120which we retrieve k by adding m since m+k+m = k.
122Indeed, practical implementations of S/P-networks usually omit the
123application of S-boxes and the mixing permutation in the last round
124since it can be undone anyway as we just saw. (NB in the 2nd edition
125of KL the S/P-networks are set up in this fashion from the beginning;
126however the present approach looks more systematic)
128Suppose now that we have an S/P-network with two rounds. Suppose for
129the sake of concreteness that the cipher uses 16 S-boxes operating on
1304-bit each so that the total message length is 64. Suppose
131furthermore, that the key k consists of 128 bits of which the first
132half is used in the first round and the other half in the
133second. Given m and c we, being the attacker, first undo the
134S/P-operation of the second round as before. Now consider any 4-bit
135block in the output. It depends on at most four 4-bit blocks from the
136input because in the worst case each bit comes from a different
137S-box. We also know from the mixing permutation in the first round
138which these four 4-bit blocks are. Its 16 bits are transformed into
139the 4 bits of the block we're looking at using a known function and 16
140+ 4 bits of the key. These can all be tried out in 2^20 =~= 10^6 time
141which is altogether feasible. A similar argument applies to a three
142round S/P-network, however the number of key bits influencing a four
143bit block then goes up to 4+16+64 = 84 which is still a bit shorter
144than 128, but cannot really be feasibly explored by brute force.
146However, even after three rounds the S/P-network can be efficiently
147distinguished from a truly random permutation. Namely, each output bit
148is then not influenced by 44 of the input bits. A distinguisher can
149then toggle these bits and see whether the observed bit changes. If it
150does not for, say 10^9 out of the 2^44 possible combinations then the
151possibility that the distinguisher deals with a truly random function
152is extremely small so it has an advantage.
154Once we use four or more rounds (and the mixing permutations as well
155as the S-boxes) were well designed then the avalanche effect has fully
156kicked in and attacks like the ones sketched are no longer possible.
158Let us also see why linear S-boxes cannot be recommended: if all
159S-boxes f are linear functions in the sense that f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y) then
160for each key k the function Enc_k() is linear too, i.e., we have
161Enc_k(x+y)=Enc_k(x)+Enc_k(y). In this case, there exists for each key
162an nxn matrix A_k with 0,1 entries (n the message length) such that
164 Enc_k(m) = A_k m
166If we now have n^2 many pairs of plaintext-ciphertext we obtain n^2
167linear equations which we can solve for the entries of A_k. Once A_k
168is known then even if we do not know k itself we can decrypt arbitrary
169ciphertexts encrypted with the same key using the inverse matrix. This
170kind of attack applies to all linear encryption functions regardless
171whether they are S/P-networks. It also applies to affine linear
172ciphers, where Enc_k(m) = A_k m + b_k.
176Feistel networks
177- - - - - - - -
179Feistel networks are an alternative approach to designing practical
180pseudorandom permutations. It also operates in rounds and each round a
181key-dependent *mixing function* f_i() is applied to the second half of
182the current text which is then XOR-ed with its first half to become
183the new second half. The new first half is the old second half. Thus,
184if L_i and R_i denote the first and second halves of the text after
185round i then we have
187 L_0 R_0 := "plaintext"
188 L_{i+1} := R_i
189 R_{i+1} := L_i + f_i(k_i,R_i)
191Here k_i is the round key used in the i-th round which is derived from
192the master key through the key schedule as usual.
194Notice that,
196 R_i = L_{i+1}
197 L_i = R_{i+1}+f_i(k_i,L_{i+1})
199so that the Feistel network is invertible as desired no matter what
200f_i() does.
202One can show (KL6.4) that if the mixing functions f_i are pseudorandom
203functions then the function defined by a four round Feistel network is
204a pseudorandom permutation.