path: root/ss2017/cryptography/Notes05.txt
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authorGregor Kleen <>2017-10-24 15:33:07 +0200
committerGregor Kleen <>2017-10-24 15:33:07 +0200
commit162df3190c4e179ef968b0a467ddd4951faba336 (patch)
tree3c9628cf1abf259e1b897ac14b006e2b448cff27 /ss2017/cryptography/Notes05.txt
parent92ed41381f40c97b52b0e96f0eaeaa9025091411 (diff)
Notes on cryptography
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15 Security against chosen plaintext attacks (KL3.5)
4We now consider security of cryptosystems against stronger adversaries
5which may request the encryption of arbitrary plaintexts of their
6choice. There are some practical scenarios where this might occur,
7e.g. a smartcard which can be interacted with arbitrarily or by
8preparing some situation whose description will then be transmitted by
9the opposite party in encrpyted form.
12Given a scheme Pi=(Gen,Enc,Dec) and an adversary A the experiment
13PrivK^cpa_{A,Pi}(n) is now defined as follows:
16 1. Key k is generated by Gen(n)
17 2. The adversary A is given the security parameter n and the procedure
18 Enc_k as a black box (oracle access). After some interaction with
19 the oracle it then outputs two messages m0 and m1 from {0,1}^{l(n)}
20 (or of the same length in the case of variable length schemes).
21 3. A bit b <- {0,1} is chosen uniformly at random (50/50). The
22 (or rather a) ciphertext c = Enc_k(m_b) is given to A.
23 4. A continues to have oracle access to Enc_k and then answers by
24 outputting a bit b'.
25 4. The output of the experiment is defined 1 if b=b' and 0 otherwise.
28Definition: A scheme Pi=(Gen,Enc,Dec) has *indistinguishable
29encryptions under a chosen plaintext attack* (is cpa-secure for short)
30if there is a negligible function negl(n) such that for all (pr.-polytime)
31adversaries A
33 Pr[PrivK^cpa_{A,Pi}(n) = 1] <= 1/2 + negl(n)
35There is also a "known plaintext version" where the adversary does not
36get full-blown oracle access to Enc_k but can merely request
37encryptions of a previously submitted list of plaintexts. The details
38of this are left to the reader.
40We first notice that no deterministic scheme can possibly be
41cpa-secure. Given c simply compute (using the oracle) c_0=Enc_k(m_0)
42and c_1=Enc_k(m_1) and return b' such that c_b'=c. Thus, any cpa-secure
43scheme must include a random element into the encryption. But naive
44ways of doing so will not be successful either. Suppose for example
45that Pi=(Gen,Enc,Dec,l) is a deterministic scheme, i.e. Enc_k( ) is a
46function. Design a new scheme Pi' as follows:
48For bitstrings u,v we let u || v stand for the concatenation of u and
49v. If w is a bitstring of even length 2n then we let w.1 and w.2 stand
50for its first and second halves.
52Gen' = Gen
53l'(n) = l(n)/2 /* w.l.o.g. l(n) is even */
54Enc'_k(m) = Enc_k(r || m) where r is a random bitstring
55 of length l(n)/2.
56Dec'_k(c) = Dec_k(c).1
58Clearly, Pi' has indistinguishable encryptions in the presence of an
59eavesdropper if Pi has, but Pi' does not in general withstand chosen
60plaintext attacks. Namely, consider that Enc_k(m)=G(k)+m as above. We
61then have Enc'_k(m) = G(k).1 + r || G(k).2 + m. As a result, the
62adversary can take the first half of the received ciphertext c,
63request encryptions c_0 nd c_1 of m_0 and m_1 and determine b' so that
64c.1 = (c_b').1 .
66In order to achieve the desired security we need a *pseudorandom function*
68Definition: A pseudorandom function (PRF) is a binary function on bitstrings
70 F : {0,1}^* x {0,1}^* -> {0,1}^*
72with application F(k,x) written F_k(x) such that
74 1) |k|=|x| implies |F_k(x)|=|k|=|x| (and F need not be defined on
75 arguments of different length)
77 2) F is deterministic, polynomial-time computable
79 3) For all probabilistic polynomial-time distinguishers D and all n
80 one has
82 | Pr[ D^{F_k()}(n)=1 ] - Pr[D^{f()}(n)=1] | = negl(n)
84 for some negligible function negl() and probabilities taken over
85 k and f(), see below.
87The distinguisher has access to an oracle, i.e. a subroutine of type
88{0,1}^n->{0,1}^n. In the experiment, first k:{0,1}^n is drawn
89uniformly at random and then a function f from {0,1}^n->{0,1}^n is
90drawn uniformly at random (from the 2^{n*2^n} many possibilities). The
91oracle is then instantiated with F_k() on the one hand and
92with f on the other. The probabilities for the distinguisher to output
931 in either case should differ only negligibly.
95So, where a pseudorandom generator expands a size n key k to a size
96l(n) bitstring that looks random a pseudorandom function expands a
97size n key to a function F_k which could be written as a size n*2^n
98bitstring. Again, this "very large" object should look
99random. However, only a polynomial portion of it can be examined by
100the distinguisher. On the other hand, which portion that is is up to
101the distinguisher to decide and not priori fixed.
103We remark that one often uses variants of PRF where the size of
104argument x and results are functions of a security parameter other
105than the identity function. (The security parameter must then be
106supplied explicitly to F)
108Relationship between PRF and PRG:
110It is not hard to see that every PRF can serve as a PRG. Given k
111simply output the string F(k,0) || F(k,1) || F(k,2) || ... || F(k,N) for
112sufficiently large N and where e.g. 2 stands for the encoding of 2 as
113a length n bitstring. If a distinguisher could tell this from a random
114string one could easily use it to distinguish F_k from a random
115function. Surprisingly, the converse also holds, see (KL6.5). However,
116we still do not know whether PRG exist. In practice, PRF are
117constructed using heuristic approaches.
120A CPA-secure cryptosystem from a PRF (KL3.6.2)
121- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
123Here is, how we use a PRF to construct a CPA-secure cryptosystem. Note
124that by our earlier observation the scheme itself must be randomised.
127Gen(n): return a random bitstring of length n as key.
128Enc_k(m): choose r:{0,1}^n uniformly at random and output the ciphertext
129 c := r || F_k(r)+m
130Dec_k(c): given c extract c.1=r and c.2=F_k(r)+m then return c.2+F_k(r)
132Notice that Dec_k(Enc_k(m)) = F(k,r)+F(k,r)+m = m
134Remark: A random element like r added to a piece of data is known as a
137Theorem: If F is a PRF then the above construction yields a fixed
138length (l(n)=n) CPA-secure cryptosystem.
140Proof: Let Pi stand for the scheme constructed above from F and
141l(n). Assume further, that A is an adversary against Pi. We construct
142from A a distinguisher D for the PRF F as follows:
144Given security parameter n and oracle access to a function h (which is
145instantiated as either F_k() or a truly random f()) the distinguisher
146begins by passing the security parameter n to the adversary A.
148Now, whenever the adversary queries its own oracle which it assumes to
149be of the form Enc_k() then the distinguisher chooses r:{0,1}^n at
150random and returns r || h(r)+m to A.
152When the adversary enters the second phase and outputs two messages
153m_0, m_1 to distinguish based on their encryptions the distinguisher
154then chooses a random bit b:{0,1} and r:{0,1}^n uniformly at random
155and returns r || h(r)+m_b to A. Further oracle queries from A are
156answered as before.
158When A eventually outputs a bit b' reply 1 if b=b' and 0 otherwise.
159Let us see what the adversary can do when h is a truly random
160function. Unlike in the "eavesdropper" case, A has a certain
161advantage: namely suppose it has already requested encryptions c_0 and
162c_1 of the messages m_0 and m_1 it then forwards (and it would be
163"wise" for A to do so). If it now happens by accident that
164c.1=c_0.1=c_1.1, i.e. the three random nonces used were all equal,
165then since the rest is deterministic, the adversary can pick b' such
166that c.2=c_{b'}.2 and be correct. Since, however, the adversary can
167only make polynomially many queries the likelihood for this to happen
168is negligible. If, however, the random nonce used in the preparation
169of c is different from all the ones used in oracle queries then c
170looks completely random to A and its success probability is exactly
1711/2. Summing up, if h is truly random then A's success probability is
174If, on the other hand, h is F_k(), then let p be the success
175probability of the adversary A on our new cryptosystem. It is clear
176that our distinguisher will output 1 with probability p for we have
177used A according to the rules of the PrivK^cpa-experiment. Since F was
178assumed to be a PRF we thus know that |p-(1/2+negl(n))| is itself
179negligible. It then follows that p is bounded by 1/2 plus a negligible
180function. Q.E.D.
183Notice that this proof newly introduces negligible probabilities
184rather than (or in addition to) just move them around and thus gives
185further evidence as to why allowing negligible deviations from the
186ideal situation is reasonable.
188We also remark that the way the system was presented the length of the
189key equals that of the message. However, in the case of a CPA-secure
190system we can encrypt several messages with the same key without
191compromising security. We generalise this idea in the next chapter.
193Proposition: Let Pi=(Gen,Enc,Dec) be cpa-secure and define
194Pi'=(Gen,Enc',Dec') by Enc'_k(m1 || m2) = Enc_k(m1) || Enc_k(m2). Then
195Pi' is cpa-secure. Here m1, m2, as well as, c1,c2 are assumed to be of
196equal length.
198Proof: From a hypothetical cpa-adversary A' against Pi' we construct a
199cpa-adversary A against the original system Pi as follows:
201A runs A' and answers any oracle requests according to Pi'. E.g. if A'
202asks for an encryption of m1||m2 it requests encryptions c1 and c2 of
203m1, m2, respectively and then provides the answer c1||c2.
205When A' outputs the challenge m1^0||m2^0 vs m1^1||m2^1 A submits the
206challenge m2^0 vs m2^1 and receives a ciphertext c2 (which should be an
207encryption of m2^0 or m2^1). A then requests an encryption c1 of m1^0 and
208passes c1||c2 to A'.
210The answer bit b' supplied by A' is then output.
212Let p be the success probability of A'.
214If the secret bit b is equal to 0 then the
215success probability of A is p as well.