path: root/adjmix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'adjmix')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/adjmix/Adjmix.hs b/adjmix/Adjmix.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b820f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adjmix/Adjmix.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
3import Options.Applicative
5import System.FilePath
7import Data.Char
9import Trivmix.Types
11data Options = Options
12 { baseDirectory :: FilePath
13 , targetDirectory :: FilePath
14 , levelFile :: FilePath
15 , adjustment :: Adjustment Level
16 }
17optionParser :: Parser Options
18optionParser = Options
19 <$> strOption ( long "base"
20 <> metavar "DIRECTORY"
21 <> value "/dev/shm/mix"
22 )
23 <*> strOption ( long "target"
24 <> short 't'
25 <> metavar "DIRECTORY"
26 <> help "Directory relative to ‘--base’ containing the level file"
27 )
28 <*> strOption ( long "level"
29 <> metavar "FILENAME"
30 <> value "level"
31 <> help "Filename of the level file"
32 )
33 <*> ( ( Set <$> option auto ( long "set"
34 <> short 'o'
35 <> metavar "LEVEL"
36 )
37 )
38 <|> ( Add <$> option auto ( long "add"
39 <> short 'a'
40 <> metavar "LEVEL"
41 )
42 )
43 <|> ( Sub <$> option auto ( long "sub"
44 <> short 's'
45 <> metavar "LEVEL"
46 )
47 )
48 )
50main :: IO ()
51main = execParser opts >>= adjmix
52 where
53 opts = info (helper <*> optionParser)
54 ( fullDesc
55 <> progDesc "Adjust the level file of a trivmix"
56 <> header "Adjmix — A trivial interface to a trivial mixer"
57 )
59adjmix :: Options -> IO ()
60adjmix Options{..} = do
61 oldLevel <- readFile levelFile >>= readIO . stripSpace
62 let
63 newLevel = oldLevel `doAdjustment` adjustment
64 writeFile levelFile (show newLevel ++ "\n")
65 where
66 levelFile = baseDirectory </> targetDirectory </> levelFile
67 stripSpace = reverse . stripSpace' . reverse . stripSpace'
68 stripSpace' [] = []
69 stripSpace' l@(x:xs) = if isSpace x
70 then stripSpace' xs
71 else l