path: root/accounts/gkleen@sif/xmonad/lib/XMonad/Prompt/MySsh.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'accounts/gkleen@sif/xmonad/lib/XMonad/Prompt/MySsh.hs')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/accounts/gkleen@sif/xmonad/lib/XMonad/Prompt/MySsh.hs b/accounts/gkleen@sif/xmonad/lib/XMonad/Prompt/MySsh.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..729941aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/gkleen@sif/xmonad/lib/XMonad/Prompt/MySsh.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
1module XMonad.Prompt.MySsh
2 ( -- * Usage
3 -- $usage
4 sshPrompt,
5 Ssh,
6 Override (..),
7 mkOverride,
8 Conn (..),
9 moshCmd,
10 moshCmd',
11 sshCmd,
12 inTmux,
13 withEnv
14 ) where
16import XMonad
17import XMonad.Util.Run
18import XMonad.Prompt
20import System.Directory
21import System.Environment
22import qualified Control.Exception as E
24import Control.Monad
25import Data.Maybe
27import Text.Parsec.String
28import Text.Parsec
29import Data.Char (isSpace)
31econst :: Monad m => a -> E.IOException -> m a
32econst = const . return
34-- $usage
35-- 1. In your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
37-- > import XMonad.Prompt
38-- > import XMonad.Prompt.Ssh
40-- 2. In your keybindings add something like:
42-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_s), sshPrompt defaultXPConfig)
44-- Keep in mind, that if you want to use the completion you have to
45-- disable the "HashKnownHosts" option in your ssh_config
47-- For detailed instruction on editing the key binding see
48-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings".
50data Override = Override
51 { oUser :: Maybe String
52 , oHost :: String
53 , oPort :: Maybe Int
54 , oCommand :: Conn -> String
55 }
57mkOverride = Override { oUser = Nothing, oHost = "", oPort = Nothing, oCommand = sshCmd }
58sshCmd c = concat
59 [ "ssh -t "
60 , if isJust $ cUser c then (fromJust $ cUser c) ++ "@" else ""
61 , cHost c
62 , if isJust $ cPort c then " -p " ++ (show $ fromJust $ cPort c) else ""
63 , " -- "
64 , cCommand c
65 ]
66moshCmd c = concat
67 [ "mosh "
68 , if isJust $ cUser c then (fromJust $ cUser c) ++ "@" else ""
69 , cHost c
70 , if isJust $ cPort c then " --ssh=\"ssh -p " ++ (show $ fromJust $ cPort c) ++ "\"" else ""
71 , " -- "
72 , cCommand c
73 ]
74moshCmd' p c = concat
75 [ "mosh "
76 , "--server=" ++ p ++ " "
77 , if isJust $ cUser c then (fromJust $ cUser c) ++ "@" else ""
78 , cHost c
79 , if isJust $ cPort c then " --ssh=\"ssh -p " ++ (show $ fromJust $ cPort c) ++ "\"" else ""
80 , " -- "
81 , cCommand c
82 ]
83inTmux Nothing c
84 | null $ cCommand c = c { cCommand = "tmux new-session" }
85 | otherwise = c { cCommand = "tmux new-session \"" ++ (cCommand c) ++ "\"" }
86inTmux (Just h) c
87 | null $ cCommand c = c { cCommand = "tmux new-session -As " <> h }
88 | otherwise = c { cCommand = "tmux new-session \"" ++ (cCommand c) ++ "\"" }
89withEnv :: [(String, String)] -> Conn -> Conn
90withEnv envs c = c { cCommand = "env" ++ (concat $ map (\(n, v) -> ' ' : (n ++ "=" ++ v)) envs) ++ " " ++ (cCommand c) }
92data Conn = Conn
93 { cUser :: Maybe String
94 , cHost :: String
95 , cPort :: Maybe Int
96 , cCommand :: String
97 } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
99data Ssh = Ssh
101instance XPrompt Ssh where
102 showXPrompt Ssh = "SSH to: "
103 commandToComplete _ c = c
104 nextCompletion _ = getNextCompletion
106toConn :: String -> Maybe Conn
107toConn = toConn' . parse connParser "(unknown)"
108toConn' :: Either ParseError Conn -> Maybe Conn
109toConn' (Left _) = Nothing
110toConn' (Right a) = Just a
112connParser :: Parser Conn
113connParser = do
114 spaces
115 user' <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
116 str <- many1 $ satisfy (\c -> (not $ isSpace c) && (c /= '@'))
117 char '@'
118 return str
119 host' <- many1 $ satisfy (not . isSpace)
120 port' <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
121 space
122 string "-p"
123 spaces
124 int <- many1 digit
125 (space >> return ()) <|> eof
126 return $ (read int :: Int)
127 spaces
128 command' <- many anyChar
129 eof
130 return $ Conn
131 { cHost = host'
132 , cUser = user'
133 , cPort = port'
134 , cCommand = command'
135 }
137sshPrompt :: [Override] -> XPConfig -> X ()
138sshPrompt o c = do
139 sc <- io sshComplList
140 mkXPrompt Ssh c (mkComplFunFromList sc) $ ssh o
142ssh :: [Override] -> String -> X ()
143ssh overrides str = do
144 let cmd = applyOverrides overrides str
145 liftIO $ putStr "SSH Command: "
146 liftIO $ putStrLn cmd
147 runInTerm "" cmd
149applyOverrides :: [Override] -> String -> String
150applyOverrides [] str = "ssh " ++ str
151applyOverrides (o:os) str = case (applyOverride o str) of
152 Just str -> str
153 Nothing -> applyOverrides os str
155applyOverride :: Override -> String -> Maybe String
156applyOverride o str = let
157 conn = toConn str
158 in
159 if isNothing conn then Nothing else
160 case (fromJust conn) `matches` o of
161 True -> Just $ (oCommand o) (fromJust conn)
162 False -> Nothing
164matches :: Conn -> Override -> Bool
165a `matches` b = and
166 [ justBool (cUser a) (oUser b) (==)
167 , (cHost a) == (oHost b)
168 , justBool (cPort a) (oPort b) (==)
169 ]
171justBool :: Eq a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Bool
172justBool Nothing _ _ = True
173justBool _ Nothing _ = True
174justBool (Just a) (Just b) match = a `match` b
176sshComplList :: IO [String]
177sshComplList = uniqSort `fmap` liftM2 (++) sshComplListLocal sshComplListGlobal
179sshComplListLocal :: IO [String]
180sshComplListLocal = do
181 h <- getEnv "HOME"
182 s1 <- sshComplListFile $ h ++ "/.ssh/known_hosts"
183 s2 <- sshComplListConf $ h ++ "/.ssh/config"
184 return $ s1 ++ s2
186sshComplListGlobal :: IO [String]
187sshComplListGlobal = do
188 env <- getEnv "SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" `E.catch` econst "/nonexistent"
189 fs <- mapM fileExists [ env
190 , "/usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts"
191 , "/usr/local/etc/ssh_known_hosts"
192 , "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts"
193 , "/etc/ssh_known_hosts"
194 ]
195 case catMaybes fs of
196 [] -> return []
197 (f:_) -> sshComplListFile' f
199sshComplListFile :: String -> IO [String]
200sshComplListFile kh = do
201 f <- doesFileExist kh
202 if f then sshComplListFile' kh
203 else return []
205sshComplListFile' :: String -> IO [String]
206sshComplListFile' kh = do
207 l <- readFile kh
208 return $ map (getWithPort . takeWhile (/= ',') . concat . take 1 . words)
209 $ filter nonComment
210 $ lines l
212sshComplListConf :: String -> IO [String]
213sshComplListConf kh = do
214 f <- doesFileExist kh
215 if f then sshComplListConf' kh
216 else return []
218sshComplListConf' :: String -> IO [String]
219sshComplListConf' kh = do
220 l <- readFile kh
221 return $ map (!!1)
222 $ filter isHost
223 $ map words
224 $ lines l
225 where
226 isHost ws = take 1 ws == ["Host"] && length ws > 1
228fileExists :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
229fileExists kh = do
230 f <- doesFileExist kh
231 if f then return $ Just kh
232 else return Nothing
234nonComment :: String -> Bool
235nonComment [] = False
236nonComment ('#':_) = False
237nonComment ('|':_) = False -- hashed, undecodeable
238nonComment _ = True
240getWithPort :: String -> String
241getWithPort ('[':str) = host ++ " -p " ++ port
242 where (host,p) = break (==']') str
243 port = case p of
244 ']':':':x -> x
245 _ -> "22"
246getWithPort str = str