{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Main (main) where import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny as UI import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Timer import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core as TP (Config, text) import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core hiding (Config, text) import Thermoprint.Client import Thermoprint.Printout.BBCode import Network.WebSockets import Network.Socket (withSocketsDo) import Network.URI import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt import System.Environment import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as CLBS import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Default.Class import Data.Time import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad hiding (sequence) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Text.Read hiding (get) import Data.Either import Data.List (isPrefixOf, sortBy) import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Function as F import Data.Bool import Data.Traversable (sequence) import Data.Foldable import Paths_thermoprint_webgui import Debug.Trace data Config = Config { tpConfig :: TP.Config , server :: BaseUrl } main :: IO () main = withSocketsDo $ config >>= Opt.execParser . opts >>= (\c -> startGUI (tpConfig c) $ (withWebSocket setup) c) where opts config = Opt.info (Opt.helper <*> config) ( Opt.fullDesc <> Opt.progDesc "Run a webgui to Thermoprint.Client" ) config :: IO (Opt.Parser Config) config = do p <- fromMaybe 8023 . (readMaybe =<<) <$> lookupEnv portEnv a <- fromMaybe "localhost" <$> lookupEnv hostEnv static <- getDataDir let config = defaultConfig { jsCustomHTML = Just "index.html" , jsStatic = Just static } return $ Config <$> ((\port addr -> config { jsPort = port, jsAddr = addr }) <$> optional (Opt.option Opt.auto $ port p) <*> optional (fmap CBS.pack $ Opt.strOption $ addr a)) <*> (BaseUrl Http <$> Opt.strOption (Opt.long "target-addr" <> Opt.short 'A' <> Opt.metavar "HOST" <> Opt.help "Host to connect to" <> Opt.value "localhost" <> Opt.showDefault) <*> Opt.option Opt.auto (Opt.long "target-port" <> Opt.short 'P' <> Opt.metavar "PORT" <> Opt.help "Port to connect to" <> Opt.value 3000 <> Opt.showDefault) <*> Opt.strOption (Opt.long "target-path" <> Opt.short 'F' <> Opt.metavar "PATH" <> Opt.help "Path we expect to find Thermoprint.Server under" <> Opt.value "" <> Opt.showDefault) ) where port def = Opt.long "port" <> Opt.short 'p' <> Opt.metavar "PORT" <> Opt.help ("Port to bind to; default read from $" <> portEnv) <> Opt.value def <> Opt.showDefault addr def = Opt.long "addr" <> Opt.short 'a' <> Opt.metavar "HOST" <> Opt.help ("Host to listen on; default read from $" <> hostEnv) <> Opt.value def <> Opt.showDefault hostEnv = "ADDR" portEnv = "PORT" fatal :: String -> UI a fatal str = do window <- askWindow (getBody window #) . set children =<< sequence [UI.p # set TP.text str # set UI.class_ "fatal"] liftIO (throwIO $ ErrorCall str) return undefined setup :: Config -> Window -> Event (Either WebSocketException URI) -> UI () setup Config{..} window (split -> (socketErr, dataUpdate)) = void $ do onEvent socketErr handleSocketErr getElementById window "javascriptError" >>= maybeM delete (focusedJobs, changeFocusedJobs) <- stepper' Set.empty let modifyFocusedJobs f = changeFocusedJobs . f =<< currentValue focusedJobs fJobs = (focusedJobs, liftIO . modifyFocusedJobs) selectedPrinter <- handleJobTable fJobs changeEditorStatus <- handleEditor selectedPrinter fJobs handleDraftTable changeEditorStatus where handleSocketErr InvalidMessage = emitError "Received unparseable message from server-side websocket" handleSocketErr ProcessDied = fatal "Thread handling server-side websocket died" handleSocketErr (Unhandled e') = fatal $ "Unhandled error from server-side websocket: " ++ show e' emitError str = void $ do debug str let errors = maybe (fatal "No container for nonfatal errors found") return =<< getElementById window "errors" errorsTab = maybe (fatal "Could not make nonfatal errors visible") return =<< getElementById window "errors-tab" errors #+ [UI.li # set TP.text str] errorsTab # set style [("display", "inline-block")] runFunction $ switchTab "errors" maybeM = maybe $ return () fatal' :: String -> Maybe a -> UI a fatal' str = maybe (fatal str) return stepper' :: a -> UI (Behavior a, a -> IO ()) stepper' init = do (statusEvent, triggerStatusChange) <- liftIO newEvent status <- stepper init statusEvent return (status, triggerStatusChange) Client{..} = mkClient (hoistNat $ Nat liftIO) server withFatal :: ExceptT ServantError UI a -> UI a withFatal a = either (fatal . ("Error while communicating to Thermoprint.Server: " ++) . show) return =<< runExceptT a handleEditor selectedPrinter (_, modifyFocusedJobs) = do title <- fatal' "Could not find editor title field" =<< getElementById window "editorTitle" text <- fatal' "Could not find editor text field" =<< getElementById window "editorText" status <- fatal' "Could not find editor status field" =<< getElementById window "editorStatus" bbcodeStatus <- fatal' "Could not find editor bbcode status field" =<< getElementById window "bbcodeStatus" saveButton <- fatal' "Could not find editor save button" =<< getElementById window "saveButton" printButton <- fatal' "Could not find editor print button" =<< getElementById window "printButton" discardButton <- fatal' "Could not find editor discard button" =<< getElementById window "discardButton" (editorStatus, fmap liftIO -> changeEditorStatus) <- stepper' def saveDraft <- do saveDraft <- fatal' "Could not find save switch" =<< getElementById window "saveDraft" flip stepper (UI.checkedChange saveDraft) =<< saveDraft # get UI.checked let modifyStatus f = changeEditorStatus . f =<< currentValue editorStatus on UI.valueChange title $ \str -> modifyStatus (\x -> x { eTitle = if null str then Nothing else Just str }) on UI.valueChange text $ \str -> modifyStatus (\x -> x { eText = str }) on UI.valueChange text $ \str -> modifyStatus (\x -> x { ePrintout = bbcode $ T.pack str }) return title # sink UI.value (fromMaybe "" . eTitle <$> editorStatus) return text # sink UI.value (eText <$> editorStatus) return status # sink TP.text (toStatusString <$> editorStatus) return bbcodeStatus # sink TP.text (toStatusString' . ePrintout <$> editorStatus) autoSaveTimer <- timer # set interval 5000 start autoSaveTimer let saveAction automatic = do s@(EditorState{..}) <- currentValue editorStatus r <- when' (not $ maybe True null eTitle && null eText) $ case ePrintout of Left err -> do when (not automatic) . emitError $ "Could not save draft due to error parsing bbcode: " ++ show err return False Right p -> do draftId <- case associatedDraft of Nothing -> withFatal $ draftCreate (T.pack <$> eTitle) p Just i -> i <$ when (different s) (withFatal $ draftReplace i (T.pack <$> eTitle) p) time <- liftIO getCurrentTime modifyStatus (\x -> x { associatedDraft = Just draftId, lastSaved = Just (time, s) }) return True return $ fromMaybe False r where different s | Just (_, s') <- lastSaved s = not $ and [ eTitle s == eTitle s' , eText s == eText s' ] | otherwise = True when' :: Applicative m => Bool -> m a -> m (Maybe a) when' True = fmap Just when' False = const $ pure Nothing clearAction = do -- maybe (return ()) draftDelete . associatedDraft =<< currentValue editorStatus saved <- saveAction False when saved $ discardAction discardAction = modifyStatus $ const def printAction = do EditorState{..} <- currentValue editorStatus let reFocusJob jId = modifyFocusedJobs (const $ Set.singleton jId) case ePrintout of Right po -> case associatedDraft of Just dId -> do saved <- saveAction False when saved $ reFocusJob =<< withFatal . draftPrint dId =<< currentValue selectedPrinter Nothing -> do reFocusJob =<< withFatal . flip jobCreate po =<< currentValue selectedPrinter Left err -> emitError $ "Could not print draft due to error parsing bbcode: " ++ show err onEvent (whenE saveDraft $ tick autoSaveTimer) (const . void $ saveAction True) return saveButton # sink UI.enabled ((&&) <$> (saveable <$> editorStatus) <*> saveDraft) return printButton # sink UI.enabled (printable <$> editorStatus) return discardButton # sink UI.enabled (discardable <$> editorStatus) return discardButton # sink UI.text (bool "Discard" "Save & Clear" <$> saveDraft) return printButton # sink UI.text (maybe "Print" (\(PrinterId i) -> "Print on " ++ show i) <$> selectedPrinter) on (whenE saveDraft . UI.click) saveButton . const . void $ saveAction False on UI.click printButton $ const printAction on (whenE (not <$> saveDraft) . UI.click) discardButton $ const discardAction on (whenE saveDraft . UI.click) discardButton $ const clearAction return modifyStatus saveable s@EditorState{..} = isRight ePrintout && discardable s printable EditorState{..} = isRight ePrintout && not (null eText) discardable EditorState{..} = not (maybe True null eTitle && null eText) handleDraftTable changeEditorState = do -- allowDeletion <- fatal' "Could not find deletion switch" =<< getElementById window "allowDeletion" -- deletion' <- allowDeletion # get UI.checked -- deletion <- stepper deletion' $ UI.checkedChange allowDeletion (marking, (liftIO .) -> updateMarking) <- stepper' $ Set.empty enactDeletion <- fatal' "Could not find deletion button" =<< getElementById window "enactDeletion" on UI.click enactDeletion . const $ currentValue marking >>= mapM_ (runExceptT . draftDelete) >> updateMarking Set.empty -- deletion' <- allowDeletion # get UI.checked let updateMarking' = callFunction (mangle <$> ffi getChecked) >>= updateMarking where mangle = Set.fromList . map DraftId . fromMaybe [] . parse getChecked = "$.makeArray($('input[name=draftMark]:checked').map(function() {return $(this).val()}))" parse str | [(i, rs)] <- [ (i, rs) | (i, ',' : rs) <- reads str ] = (:) <$> Just i <*> parse rs | r@([_]) <- [ i | (i, "") <- reads str ] = Just r | otherwise = Nothing toTable :: Map DraftId (Maybe DraftTitle) -> UI [Element] toTable = mapM toLine . Map.toList toLine (id@(DraftId (show -> tId)), fromMaybe "" . fmap T.unpack -> title) = do id' <- UI.td # set TP.text tId title' <- UI.td # set TP.text title mark <- UI.input # set UI.type_ "checkbox" # set UI.name "draftMark" # set UI.id_ ("draftMark" ++ tId) # set UI.value tId # sink UI.checked (Set.member id <$> marking) on UI.checkedChange mark . const $ updateMarking' mark' <- UI.span #+ [ return mark , UI.label # set UI.for ("draftMark" ++ tId) # set UI.text "Mark" ] # set UI.class_ "mark" -- delete <- UI.button -- # set TP.text "Delete" -- # sink UI.enabled deletion -- on UI.click delete . const $ draftDelete id >> changeEditorState (\s@(EditorState{..}) -> if associatedDraft == Just id then def else s) load <- UI.button # set TP.text "Load" on UI.click load . const $ loadDraft id actions <- UI.td # set children [mark', load] UI.tr # set children [id', title', actions] loadDraft id = do (title, po) <- withFatal $ draft id let t = cobbcode po case t of Left (show -> errStr) -> emitError $ "Could not load draft: " ++ errStr Right text -> do time <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime let newState = def { eTitle = fmap T.unpack title , eText = T.unpack text , ePrintout = Right po , associatedDraft = Just id , lastSaved = Just (time, newState) } changeEditorState (const newState) runFunction $ switchTab "editor" table <- fatal' "Could not find draft table" =<< getElementById window "draftListBody" initialContent <- toTable =<< withFatal drafts return table # set children initialContent update <- do -- recheckTimer <- timer -- return recheckTimer # set interval 5000 -- start recheckTimer -- return $ unionWith const (() <$ filterE concernsDrafts dataUpdate) (tick recheckTimer) return $ filterE concernsDrafts dataUpdate onEvent update . const $ withFatal drafts >>= toTable >>= (\c -> return table # set children c) concernsDrafts :: URI -> Bool concernsDrafts (uriPath -> p) | p == "drafts" = True | "draft/" `isPrefixOf` p = True | otherwise = False concernsPrinters :: URI -> Bool concernsPrinters (uriPath -> p) | p == "printers" = True | p == "jobs" = True | otherwise = False handleJobTable (focusedJobs, _) = do -- allowAbortion <- do -- allowAbortion <- fatal' "Could not find abortion switch" =<< getElementById window "allowAbortion" -- flip stepper (UI.checkedChange allowAbortion) =<< (allowAbortion # get UI.checked) (marking, (liftIO .) -> updateMarking) <- stepper' $ Set.empty enactAbortion <- fatal' "Could not find deletion button" =<< getElementById window "enactAbortion" on UI.click enactAbortion . const $ currentValue marking >>= mapM_ (runExceptT . jobDelete) >> updateMarking Set.empty (selectedPrinter, updatePrinter) <- do autoselectPrinter <- fatal' "Could not find printer autoselect switch" =<< getElementById window "autoselectPrinter" (selectedPrinter, printerSelect) <- stepper' Nothing return autoselectPrinter # sink UI.checked (isNothing <$> selectedPrinter) let -- getSelectedPrinter :: UI (Maybe PrinterId) getSelectedPrinter = (fmap PrinterId . join . readMaybe) <$> callFunction (ffi "$('input[name=printer]:checked', '#printers').val()") updatePrinterSelect = getSelectedPrinter >>= liftIO . printerSelect on (domEvent "change") autoselectPrinter $ const updatePrinterSelect return (selectedPrinter, updatePrinterSelect) let updateMarking' = callFunction (mangle <$> ffi getChecked) >>= updateMarking where mangle = Set.fromList . map JobId . fromMaybe [] . parse getChecked = "$.makeArray($('input[name=jobMark]:checked').map(function() {return $(this).val()}))" parse str | [(i, rs)] <- [ (i, rs) | (i, ',' : rs) <- reads str ] = (:) <$> Just i <*> parse rs | r@([_]) <- [ i | (i, "") <- reads str ] = Just r | otherwise = Nothing -- getServerState :: UI [(PrinterId, PrinterStatus, [(JobId, UTCTime, JobStatus)])] getServerState = map mangleTuple . Map.toList <$> (Map.traverseWithKey (\pId status -> (,) status <$> getJobState pId) =<< withFatal printers) -- getJobState :: PrinterId -> UI [(JobId, UTCTime, JobStatus)] getJobState pId = toList <$> withFatal (jobs (Just pId) Nothing Nothing) mangleTuple (a, (b, c)) = (a, b, c) -- jobSort :: (JobId, UTCTime, JobStatus) -> (JobId, UTCTime, JobStatus) -> Ordering jobSort (id, time, status) (id', time', status') = queueSort status status' <> compare time' time <> compare id id' where compare' :: Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering compare' | (Queued _) <- status = compare | otherwise = flip compare -- toTable :: [(PrinterId, PrinterStatus, [(JobId, UTCTime, JobStatus)])] -> UI [Element] toTable = fmap concat . mapM toSubTable -- toSubTable :: (PrinterId, PrinterStatus, [(JobId, UTCTime, JobStatus)]) -> UI [Element] toSubTable (rPId@(PrinterId pId), pStatus, (sortBy jobSort -> jobs)) = do pId' <- UI.td # set UI.text (show pId) pStatus' <- UI.td # set UI.text (show pStatus) let selectId = "printer" ++ show pId checked <- (== Just rPId) <$> currentValue selectedPrinter pSelect <- UI.input # set UI.type_ "radio" # set UI.name "printer" # set UI.value (show $ Just pId) # set UI.id_ selectId # set UI.checked checked on (domEvent "change") pSelect $ const updatePrinter pSelectL <- UI.label # set UI.for selectId # set UI.text "Use for new jobs" pSelect' <- UI.td # set children [pSelect, pSelectL] pFiller <- UI.td # set UI.colspan 2 let toLine (rJId@(JobId jId), time, status) = do jPId <- UI.td jId' <- UI.td # set UI.text (show jId) jStatus' <- UI.td # set UI.text (show status) time' <- UI.td # set UI.text (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %X" time) mark <- UI.input # set UI.type_ "checkbox" # set UI.name "jobMark" # set UI.id_ ("jobMark" ++ show jId) # set UI.value (show jId) # sink UI.checked (Set.member rJId <$> marking) on UI.checkedChange mark . const $ updateMarking' mark' <- UI.span #+ [ return mark , UI.label # set UI.for ("jobMark" ++ show jId) # set UI.text "Mark" ] # set UI.class_ "mark" -- abortButton <- UI.button # sink UI.enabled allowAbortion # set UI.text "Abort" -- on UI.click abortButton . const $ jobDelete rJId let mark'' = case status of (Queued _) -> [mark'] _ -> [] viewJob = do tabLinkList <- fatal' "Could not find tab link list" =<< getElementById window "tabLinks" tabContainer <- fatal' "Could not find tab container" =<< getElementById window "tabContent" content <- withFatal $ job rJId let text = cobbcode content case text of Left err -> emitError $ "Could not decode content of job #" ++ show jId ++ ": " ++ show err Right (T.unpack -> text) -> void $ do tabLink <- UI.a # set UI.href ("#viewJob" ++ show jId) # set UI.text ("Job #" ++ show jId) tabLinkItem <- UI.li # set children [tabLink] return tabLinkList #+ [ return tabLinkItem ] closeLink <- UI.a # set UI.text "Close Tab" # set UI.class_ "close" # set UI.href "#printers" tabContent <- UI.pre # set UI.text text tab <- UI.new # set children [closeLink, tabContent] # set UI.id_ ("viewJob" ++ show jId) # set UI.class_ "tab" return tabContainer #+ [ return tab ] on UI.click closeLink . const $ mapM_ delete [tabLink, tabLinkItem, closeLink, tabContent, tab] >> runFunction (switchTab "printers") runFunction . switchTab $ "viewJob" ++ show jId viewButton <- UI.button # set UI.text "View" on UI.click viewButton . const $ viewJob actions <- UI.td # set children (mark'' ++ [viewButton]) UI.tr # set UI.id_ ("job" ++ show jId) # set children [jPId, jId', time', jStatus', actions] # sink UI.class_ (bool "" "focused" . Set.member rJId <$> focusedJobs) (:) <$> UI.tr # set children [pId', pFiller, pStatus', pSelect'] # set UI.class_ "printer" <*> mapM toLine jobs update <- do -- recheckTimer <- timer -- return recheckTimer # set interval 5000 -- start recheckTimer -- return $ unionWith const (() <$ filterE concernsPrinters dataUpdate) (tick recheckTimer) return $ filterE concernsPrinters dataUpdate table <- fatal' "Could not find printer table" =<< getElementById window "printerListBody" initialContent <- toTable =<< getServerState return table # set children initialContent onEvent update . const $ getServerState >>= toTable >>= (\c -> return table # set children c) >> updatePrinter return selectedPrinter switchTab :: String -> JSFunction () switchTab = ffi "$(%1).first().trigger(\"click\")" . (\p -> "a[href='#" ++ p ++ "']") data EditorState = EditorState { eTitle :: Maybe String , eText :: String , ePrintout :: Either BBCodeError Printout , lastSaved :: Maybe (UTCTime, EditorState) , associatedDraft :: Maybe DraftId } deriving (Show) instance Default EditorState where def = EditorState { eTitle = Nothing , eText = "" , ePrintout = Right mempty , lastSaved = Nothing , associatedDraft = Nothing } toStatusString :: EditorState -> String toStatusString EditorState{..} | null eTitle , null eText = "Draft is empty" | Just (DraftId (show -> id)) <- associatedDraft , Just (t, _) <- lastSaved = "Last saved: " ++ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %X" t ++ " as #" ++ id | otherwise = "Draft was never saved successfully" toStatusString' :: Either BBCodeError a -> String toStatusString' (Right _) = "" toStatusString' (Left e) = show e data WebSocketException = ProcessDied | InvalidMessage | Unhandled SomeException deriving (Show) instance Exception WebSocketException withWebSocket :: (Config -> Window -> Event (Either WebSocketException URI) -> UI void) -> Config -> Window -> UI () withWebSocket setup c@(Config{..}) w = do (dataUpdate, triggerData) <- liftIO newEvent let rcvEvents = runClient (baseUrlHost server) (baseUrlPort server) "/" $ forever . (triggerData . maybe (Left InvalidMessage) Right . parseURIReference . T.unpack <=< receiveData) liftIOLater . void $ forkFinally rcvEvents (triggerData . Left . either Unhandled (const ProcessDied)) void $ setup c w dataUpdate