{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} -- | Use 'Text.BBCode' to parse BBCode module Thermoprint.Printout.BBCode ( bbcode , BBCodeError(..) , TreeError(..) , SemanticError(..) ) where import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL (fromStrict) import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq (fromList, singleton) import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI) import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Control.Exception (Exception) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first) import Control.Monad (join) import Text.BBCode (DomForest, DomTree(..), TreeError(..)) import qualified Text.BBCode as Raw (bbcode, BBCodeError(..)) import Thermoprint.Printout import Thermoprint.Printout.BBCode.Attribute -- ^ We replicate 'Raw.BBCodeError' but add a new failure mode documenting incompatibly of the parsed syntax tree with our document format data BBCodeError = LexerError String -- ^ Error while parsing input to stream of tokens | TreeError TreeError -- ^ Error while parsing stream of tokens to syntax tree | SemanticError SemanticError -- ^ Error while mapping syntax tree to document format deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable) instance Exception BBCodeError morph' :: Raw.BBCodeError -> BBCodeError -- ^ Transform 'Raw.BBCodeError' to 'BBCodeError' morph' (Raw.LexerError x) = LexerError x morph' (Raw.TreeError x) = TreeError x -- | An error ocurred while parsing the DOM-Forest (`['DomTree']`) data SemanticError = BlockInLineContext -- ^ A 'Block' structure was encountered when a 'Line' was expected | LineInBlockContext -- ^ A 'Line' structure was encountered when a 'Block' was expected | UnmappedBlockElement Text -- ^ We encountered an 'Element' that, in a 'Block' context, does not map to any structure | UnmappedLineElement Text -- ^ We encountered an 'Element' that, in a 'Line' context, does not map to any structure deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable) instance Exception SemanticError -- | Result of parsing a single 'DomTree' data ParseResult = RBlock Block -- ^ Parses only as 'Block' | RLine Line -- ^ Parses only as 'Line' | RAmbiguous Block Line -- ^ Parses as either 'Block' or 'Line' depending on context | RNoParse SemanticError SemanticError -- ^ Does not parse as either 'Block' or 'Line' -- | Current parser context data Context a where BlockCtx :: Context Block LineCtx :: Context Line extract :: Context a -> ParseResult -> Either SemanticError a -- ^ Extract information from a 'ParseResult' given 'Context' extract BlockCtx (RBlock b) = Right b extract LineCtx (RLine l) = Right l extract BlockCtx (RAmbiguous b _) = Right b extract LineCtx (RAmbiguous _ l) = Right l extract BlockCtx (RNoParse bErr _) = Left bErr extract LineCtx (RNoParse _ lErr) = Left lErr extract BlockCtx _ = Left LineInBlockContext extract LineCtx _ = Left BlockInLineContext bbcode :: Text -> Either BBCodeError Printout -- ^ Parse BBCode bbcode = join . fmap (first SemanticError) . bimap morph' morph . Raw.bbcode morph :: DomForest -> Either SemanticError Printout -- ^ Parse a list of paragraphs -- -- Since we permit only cooked input via 'Raw' 'Paragraph' is identical to 'Block' morph f = Seq.fromList <$> mapM (\t -> Seq.singleton . Cooked <$> parse BlockCtx t) f parseDom :: DomTree -> ParseResult -- ^ Invoke 'asLine' and 'asBlock' to parse a single 'DomTree' parseDom (Content t) = either RBlock (\l -> RAmbiguous (Line l) l) . text . TL.fromStrict $ t parseDom (Element t attrs cs) | Right blockParse' <- blockParse , Right lineParse' <- lineParse = RAmbiguous blockParse' lineParse' | Right blockParse' <- blockParse = RBlock blockParse' | Right lineParse' <- lineParse = RLine lineParse' | Left bErr <- blockParse , Left lErr <- lineParse = RNoParse bErr lErr where blockParse = asBlock t cs attrs lineParse = asLine t cs attrs mergeResult :: Monoid a => Context a -> [ParseResult] -> Either SemanticError a -- ^ Merge a list of 'ParseResults' in a certain 'Context' mergeResult _ [] = Right mempty mergeResult BlockCtx xs@((RLine _):_) = bimap (const LineInBlockContext) Line $ mergeResult LineCtx xs mergeResult ctx (amb@(RAmbiguous _ _):xs) = mappend <$> extract ctx amb <*> mergeResult ctx xs mergeResult ctx (err@(RNoParse _ _):_) = extract ctx err mergeResult ctx (x:xs) = mappend <$> extract ctx x <*> mergeResult ctx xs parse :: Monoid a => Context a -> [DomTree] -> Either SemanticError a -- ^ Parse a list of 'DomTree's in a certain 'Context' -- -- @parse ctx = 'mergeResult' ctx . map 'parseDom'@ parse ctx = mergeResult ctx . map parseDom asBlock :: CI Text -> [DomTree] -> Map (CI Text) Text -> Either SemanticError Block asBlock "VSpace" [] = Right . VSpace . lookupAttr "height" 1 asBlock t _ = const $ Left . UnmappedBlockElement . CI.original $ t asLine :: CI Text -> [DomTree] -> Map (CI Text) Text -> Either SemanticError Line asLine "HSpace" [] = Right . HSpace . lookupAttr "width" 1 asLine t _ = const $ Left . UnmappedLineElement . CI.original $ t