{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Thermoprint.Server.API ( ProtoHandler, Handler , thermoprintServer , handlerNat ) where import Thermoprint.API hiding (JobId(..), DraftId(..)) import qualified Thermoprint.API as API (JobId(..), DraftId(..)) import Thermoprint.Server.Printer import Thermoprint.Server.Database import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Servant import Servant.Server import Servant.Server.Internal.Enter import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Control.Monad.Trans.Either import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad ((<=<), liftM2) import Prelude hiding ((.), id, mapM) import Control.Category import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Traversable (mapM) import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Monoid import Data.Maybe import Database.Persist import Database.Persist.Sql type ProtoHandler = ReaderT HandlerInput (LoggingT (ResourceT IO)) type Handler = EitherT ServantErr ProtoHandler -- ^ Runtime configuration of our handlers data HandlerInput = HandlerInput { sqlPool :: ConnectionPool -- ^ How to interact with 'persistent' storage , printers :: Map PrinterId Printer } handlerNat :: ( MonadReader ConnectionPool m , MonadLoggerIO m ) => Map PrinterId Printer -> m (Handler :~> EitherT ServantErr IO) -- ^ Servant requires its handlers to be 'EitherT ServantErr IO' -- -- This generates a 'Nat'ural transformation for squashing the monad-transformer-stack we use in our handlers to the monad 'servant-server' wants handlerNat printerMap = do sqlPool <- ask logFunc <- askLoggerIO let handlerInput = HandlerInput { sqlPool = sqlPool , printers = printerMap } protoNat :: ProtoHandler :~> IO protoNat = Nat runResourceT . Nat (($ logFunc) . runLoggingT) . runReaderTNat handlerInput return $ hoistNat protoNat thermoprintServer :: ServerT ThermoprintAPI Handler -- ^ A 'servant-server' for 'ThermoprintAPI' thermoprintServer = listPrinters :<|> (listJobs :<|> queueJob) :<|> getJob <||> jobStatus <||> deleteJob :<|> (listDrafts :<|> addDraft) :<|> updateDraft <||> getDraft <||> deleteDraft <||> printDraft where -- :: (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> (a -> b :<|> c) (<||>) :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m (a :<|> b) (<||>) = liftM2 (:<|>) infixr 9 <||> lookupPrinter :: Maybe PrinterId -> Handler (PrinterId, Printer) -- ^ Make sure a printer exists lookupPrinter pId = asks printers >>= maybePrinter' pId where maybePrinter' Nothing printerMap | Map.null printerMap = left $ err501 { errBody = "No printers available" } | otherwise = return $ Map.findMin printerMap maybePrinter (Just pId) printerMap | Just printer <- Map.lookup pId printerMap = return (pId, printer) | otherwise = left $ err404 { errBody = "No such printer" } queue' :: MonadIO m => Printer -> m Queue -- ^ Call 'queue' and handle concurrency queue' = fmap force . liftIO . readTVarIO . queue extractJobs :: (PrinterId, Queue) -> Seq (API.JobId, JobStatus) -- ^ Get an API-compatible list of all jobs from a 'Printer' 'Queue' extractJobs (pId, Queue pending current history) = mconcat [ fmap (, Queued pId) pending' , maybe Seq.empty Seq.singleton (fmap (, Printing pId) current') , fmap (second $ maybe Done Failed) history' ] where pending' = fmap (castId' . unJobKey) pending current' = fmap (castId' . unJobKey) current history' = fmap (first $ castId' . unJobKey) history listPrinters :: Handler (Map PrinterId PrinterStatus) listPrinters = fmap toStatus <$> (mapM (liftIO . readTVarIO . queue) . printers =<< ask) where toStatus (Queue _ Nothing _) = Available toStatus (Queue _ (Just id) _) = Busy . castId $ fromSqlKey id queueJob :: Maybe PrinterId -> Printout -> Handler API.JobId queueJob pId printout = lift . fmap (castId' . unJobKey) . withReaderT sqlPool . addToQueue printout . snd =<< lookupPrinter pId printerStatus :: PrinterId -> Handler PrinterStatus printerStatus = fmap queueToStatus . queue' . snd <=< lookupPrinter . Just where queueToStatus (Queue _ Nothing _) = Available queueToStatus (Queue _ (Just id) _) = Busy . castId' $ unJobKey id listJobs :: Maybe PrinterId -> Maybe API.JobId -> Maybe API.JobId -> Handler (Seq (API.JobId, JobStatus)) listJobs Nothing minId maxId = fmap mconcat . mapM (\pId -> listJobs (Just pId) minId maxId) =<< asks (Map.keys . printers) listJobs pId minId maxId = fmap (filterJobs . extractJobs) . (\(a, b) -> (,) a <$> queue' b) =<< lookupPrinter pId where filterJobs = Seq.filter (\(id, _) -> maybe True (< id) minId && maybe True (> id) maxId) getJob :: API.JobId -> Handler Printout getJob jobId = fmap jobContent . maybe (left err404) return =<< runSqlPool (get . JobKey . SqlBackendKey $ castId jobId) =<< asks sqlPool jobStatus :: API.JobId -> Handler JobStatus jobStatus jobId = maybe (left err404) return . lookup jobId . toList =<< listJobs Nothing Nothing Nothing deleteJob :: API.JobId -> Handler () deleteJob jobId = do printerIds <- asks (Map.keys . printers) forM_ printerIds $ \pId -> do (pId', p) <- lookupPrinter $ Just pId -- liftIO . atomically . modifyTVar' (queue p) $ force . removeNeedle undefined where needle = JobKey . SqlBackendKey $ castId jobId listDrafts :: Handler (Map API.DraftId (Maybe DraftTitle)) listDrafts = return undefined addDraft :: Maybe DraftTitle -> Printout -> Handler API.DraftId addDraft = return undefined updateDraft :: API.DraftId -> Maybe DraftTitle -> Printout -> Handler () updateDraft = return undefined getDraft :: API.DraftId -> Handler (Maybe DraftTitle, Printout) getDraft = return undefined deleteDraft :: API.DraftId -> Handler () deleteDraft = return undefined printDraft :: API.DraftId -> Maybe PrinterId -> Handler API.JobId printDraft = return undefined