{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} module Thermoprint.Server ( thermoprintServer , Config(..), QMConfig(..) , withPrinters , module Data.Default.Class , module Servant.Server.Internal.Enter , module Thermoprint.Server.Printer , module Thermoprint.Server.Queue , module Thermoprint.Server.Queue.Utils ) where import Data.Default.Class import qualified Config.Dyre as Dyre import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Data.Maybe (maybe) import Data.Foldable (mapM_, forM_, foldlM) import Data.Function hiding (id, (.)) import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Proxy import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Control.Monad.Trans.Control import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Morph import Control.Category import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask(mask), finally) import Prelude hiding (id, (.)) import qualified Control.Monad as M import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T (pack) import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import Network.Wai (Application) import Servant.Server (serve) import Servant.Server.Internal.Enter (enter, (:~>)(..)) import Servant.API import Servant.Utils.Links import Network.URI import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import Database.Persist.Sql (runMigrationSilent, ConnectionPool, runSqlPool) import Thermoprint.API (thermoprintAPI, PrinterStatus, JobStatus) import qualified Thermoprint.API as API (PrinterId, JobId) import Thermoprint.Server.Fork import Thermoprint.Server.Push import Thermoprint.Server.Database import Thermoprint.Server.Printer import Thermoprint.Server.Queue import Thermoprint.Server.Queue.Utils import qualified Thermoprint.Server.API as API (thermoprintServer) import Thermoprint.Server.API hiding (thermoprintServer) import Debug.Trace -- | Compile-time configuration for 'thermoprintServer' data Config m = Config { dyreError :: Maybe String -- ^ Set by 'Dyre' -- sent to log as an error , warpSettings :: Warp.Settings -- ^ Configure 'Warp's behaviour , printers :: Map API.PrinterId Printer , queueManagers :: API.PrinterId -> QMConfig m } data QMConfig m = forall t. ( MonadTrans t , MFunctor t , Monad (t STM) , MonadIO (t IO) ) => QMConfig { manager :: QueueManager t , collapse :: (t IO) :~> m } instance MonadIO m => Default (Config m) where def = Config { dyreError = Nothing , warpSettings = Warp.defaultSettings , printers = Map.empty , queueManagers = const def } instance MonadIO m => Default (QMConfig m) where def = QMConfig idQM $ Nat (liftIO . runIdentityT) withPrinters :: MonadResource m => Config m -> [(m PrinterMethod, QMConfig m)] -> m (Config m) -- ^ Add a list of printers to a 'Config' withPrinters cfg = fmap updateCfg . foldlM mapInsert (Map.mapWithKey (\k a -> (a, queueManagers cfg k)) $ printers cfg) where mapInsert map (spec, qm) = Map.insert (nextKey map) <$> ((,) <$> printer spec <*> pure qm) <*> pure map updateCfg map = let printerMap = fmap fst map qmMap = fmap snd map qmMap' id | (Just qm) <- (Map.lookup id qmMap) = qm | otherwise = queueManagers cfg id in cfg { printers = printerMap, queueManagers = qmMap' } nextKey map | Map.null map = 0 | otherwise = succ . fst $ Map.findMax map thermoprintServer :: ( MonadLoggerIO m , MonadReader ConnectionPool m , MonadResourceBase m , MonadMask m ) => Bool -- ^ Invoke 'dyre' to look for and attempt to compile custom configurations (pass 'False' iff testing) -> (m :~> IO) -- ^ 'dyre' controls the base of the monad-transformer-stack ('IO') but we let the user specify much of the rest of it (we handle 'ResourceT' ourselves, since we need it to fork properly). Therefore we require a specification of how to collapse the stack. -> ResourceT m (Config (ResourceT m)) -> IO () -- ^ Run the server thermoprintServer dyre io = do cfgDir <- lookupEnv "THERMOPRINT_CONFIG" cacheDir <- lookupEnv "THERMOPRINT_CACHE" Dyre.wrapMain $ Dyre.defaultParams { Dyre.projectName = "thermoprint-server" , Dyre.realMain = realMain , Dyre.showError = flip (\msg -> fmap (\cfg -> cfg { dyreError = Just msg })) , Dyre.configCheck = dyre , Dyre.configDir = cfgDir , Dyre.cacheDir = cacheDir } where realMain cfg = unNat (io . Nat runResourceT) $ do tMgr <- threadManager resourceForkIO flip finally (cleanup tMgr) $ do Config{..} <- cfg maybe (return ()) ($(logErrorS) "Dyre" . T.pack) dyreError mapM_ ($(logWarnS) "DB") =<< runSqlPool (runMigrationSilent migrateAll) =<< ask forM_ printers $ fork tMgr . runPrinter gcChan <- liftIO newTChanIO fork tMgr $ jobGC gcChan let runQM' (queueManagers -> QMConfig qm nat) printer = unNat nat $ runQM gcChan qm printer mapM_ (fork tMgr . uncurry runQM') $ Map.toList printers nChan <- liftIO $ newBroadcastTChanIO let printerUrl :: API.PrinterId -> URI printerUrl = safeLink thermoprintAPI (Proxy :: Proxy ("jobs" :> QueryParam "printer" API.PrinterId :> Get '[JSON] (Seq (API.JobId, UTCTime, JobStatus)))) mapM_ (fork tMgr . uncurry (notifyOnChange nChan ((==) `on` fromZipper)) . bimap printerUrl queue) $ Map.toList printers liftIO . Warp.runSettings warpSettings . withPush nChan . serve thermoprintAPI . flip enter API.thermoprintServer =<< handlerNat printers nChan