{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Text.BBCode.LexerSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop) import Test.QuickCheck (Property, Discard(..), property) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances import Text.BBCode.Lexer import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T (singleton, replace, last, null) import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat, Endo(..)) import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parseOnly, endOfInput) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (zipWithM_) coToken :: BBToken -> Text -- ^ Inverse of `token` coToken (BBOpen t []) = "[" <> escape [']'] t <> "]" coToken (BBOpen t xs) = "[" <> escape [']'] t <> " " <> attrs <> " ]" where attrs = mconcat . intersperse " " $ map attr xs attr (key, "") = escape ['=', ']', ' '] key attr (key, val) = escape ['=', ']', ' '] key <> "=\"" <> escape ['\"'] val <> "\"" coToken (BBClose t) = "[/" <> escape [']'] t <> "]" coToken (BBStr t) = escape ['['] t escape :: [Char] -> Text -> Text -- ^ Inverse of `escapedText` escape xs = endos [ T.replace c' ("\\" <> c') . T.replace ("\\" <> c') ("\\\\" <> c') | c <- xs, let c' = T.singleton c ] . escapeLast where endos = appEndo . mconcat . map Endo escapeLast t | T.null t = "" | T.last t == '\\' = t <> "\\" | otherwise = t tokenize :: Text -> Either String [BBToken] -- ^ Run 'many token' against input tokenize = parseOnly (many token <* endOfInput) spec :: Spec spec = do prop "prop_token" prop_token zipWithM_ example [1..] examples where example n (s, ts) = let str = "Example " <> show n in specify str (tokenize s == Right ts) prop_token :: Text -> Property -- ^ prop> (==) <$> (((mconcat . map coToken) <$> tokenize x) >>= tokenize) <*> tokenize x -- -- Where 'x' is restricted such that `tokenize` succeeds -- -- Without accounting for failure this is: -- -- > (tokenize . mconcat . map coToken . tokenize x) == tokenize x prop_token x = discardLeft $ (==) <$> (((mconcat . map coToken) <$> tokenize x) >>= tokenize) <*> tokenize x where discardLeft = either (const $ property Discard) property examples :: [(Text, [BBToken])] examples = [ ("[t]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t]te\\st[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [], BBStr "te\\st", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t]te\\[st[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [], BBStr "te[st", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t]test\\\\[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [], BBStr "test\\", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t]test\\[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [], BBStr "test[/t]"]) , ("[\\t]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "\\t" [], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t]test[/t\\]]" , [BBOpen "t" [], BBStr "test", BBClose "t]"]) , ("[t attr]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [("attr", "")], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t=attr]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [("", "attr")], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t attr=val]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [("attr", "val")], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t attr=\"val\"]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [("attr", "val")], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t attr=\"va]l\"]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [("attr", "va]l")], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t attr=\"va\\\"l\"]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [("attr", "va\"l")], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[t attr=\"val\" attr2=\"val2\" ]test[/t]" , [BBOpen "t" [("attr", "val"), ("attr2", "val2")], BBStr "test", BBClose "t"]) , ("[br/]" , [BBContained "br" []]) , ("[br attr/]" , [BBContained "br" [("attr", "")]]) , ("[br=val/]" , [BBContained "br" [("", "val")]]) , ("[br attr=val/]" , [BBContained "br" [("attr", "val")]]) , ("[br attr=val val2/]" , [BBContained "br" [("attr", "val"), ("val2", "")]]) , ("[foo\\/bar]" , [BBOpen "foo/bar" []]) ]