{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, RecordWildCards #-} import System.IO import System.IO.Error import System.FilePath import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.Directory import System.Process import Text.Printf import Data.Char import Control.Monad import Crypto.Hash import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CBS import qualified Data.UUID as UUID (toString) import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID (nextRandom) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set newtype FoxReplace = FoxReplace (Set FoxReplaceGroup) deriving (Ord, Eq) data FoxReplaceGroup = FoxReplaceGroup { groupName :: String , groupUrls :: Set String , groupSubs :: Set FoxReplaceSub , groupHtmlMode :: FoxReplaceHTML } deriving (Ord, Eq) data FoxReplaceHTML = NoHTML | OutputOnlyHTML | BothHTML deriving (Ord, Eq, Enum) data FoxReplaceSub = FoxReplaceSub { rInput, rOutput :: String , rInputType :: SubInput , rCaseSensitive :: Bool } deriving (Ord, Eq) data SubInput = TextInput | WordInput | RegexpInput deriving (Ord, Eq, Enum) instance ToJSON FoxReplace where toJSON (FoxReplace groupSet) = object [ "version" .= "0.15" , "groups" .= groupSet ] instance ToJSON FoxReplaceGroup where toJSON FoxReplaceGroup{..} = object [ "name" .= groupName , "html" .= groupHtmlMode , "enabled" .= True , "urls" .= groupUrls , "substitutions" .= groupSubs ] instance ToJSON FoxReplaceHTML where toJSON NoHTML = String "none" toJSON OutputOnlyHTML = String "output" toJSON BothHTML = String "inputoutput" instance ToJSON FoxReplaceSub where toJSON FoxReplaceSub{..} = object [ "input" .= rInput , "output" .= rOutput , "inputType" .= rInputType , "caseSensitive" .= rCaseSensitive ] instance ToJSON SubInput where toJSON TextInput = String "text" toJSON WordInput = String "wholewords" toJSON RegexpInput = String "regexp" main :: IO () main = do progName <- takeFileName <$> getProgName case progName of "mlmmj-exposed" -> do args <- getArgs case args of [listDir, (map toLower -> extension)] -> do setCurrentDirectory listDir identities <- getIdentities subscribers <- getSubscribers let hashes = filter ((==) extension . snd) [((ident, sub), hash' (ident, sub)) | ident <- identities, sub <- subscribers] case hashes of [((_, recipient), _)] -> do uuid <- UUID.nextRandom let fName = "queue" "exposed" <.> uuidTrans uuid uuidTrans = uuidTrans' . UUID.toString where uuidTrans' [] = [] uuidTrans' ('-':xs) = uuidTrans' xs uuidTrans' (x:xs) = x : uuidTrans' xs getContents >>= writeFile fName hPrintf stdout "Forwarding mail to <%s>, subscribed to %s\n" recipient (takeBaseName listDir) callProcess "${pkgs.mlmmj}/bin/mlmmj-send" ["-L", listDir, "-l", "6", "-m", fName, "-T", recipient] removeFile fName [] -> die "Unknown extension" _ -> die "Ambiguous extension" _ -> hPutStrLn stderr ("Called without expected arguments ( )") >> exitWith (ExitFailure 2) "mlmmj-expose" -> do args <- getArgs case args of [listDir, (map toLower -> ident)] -> do setCurrentDirectory listDir identities <- getIdentities case ident `elem` identities of True -> putStrLn "Identity is already known" False -> writeFile "exposed.ids" . unlines $ ident : identities _ -> hPutStrLn stderr ("Called without expected arguments ( )") >> exitWith (ExitFailure 2) "mlmmj-get-exposed" -> do args <- getArgs case args of [(dropTrailingPathSeparator -> listDir), (map toLower -> ident)] -> do setCurrentDirectory listDir identities <- getIdentities unless (ident `elem` identities) . die $ "Unknown sender: ‘" ++ ident ++ "’" mapM_ (\sub -> putStrLn $ sub ++ " " ++ takeFileName listDir ++ "+" ++ hash' (ident, sub) ++ "@subs.lists.yggdrasil.li") =<< getSubscribers (dropTrailingPathSeparator -> listDir) : (map toLower -> ident) : (map (map toLower) -> recipients) -> do setCurrentDirectory listDir identities <- getIdentities unless (ident `elem` identities) . die $ "Unknown sender: ‘" ++ ident ++ "’" subscribers <- getSubscribers forM_ recipients $ \recipient -> do unless (recipient `elem` subscribers) . die $ "Unknown recipient: ‘" ++ recipient ++ "’"; putStrLn $ takeFileName listDir ++ "+" ++ hash' (ident, recipient) ++ "@subs.lists.yggdrasil.li"; _ -> hPutStrLn stderr ("Called without expected arguments ( [ [...]])") >> exitWith (ExitFailure 2) "mlmmj-serve-exposed" -> do args <- getArgs case args of [(dropTrailingPathSeparator -> listDir)] -> do subscribers <- getSubscribers identities <- getIdentities let listName = takeBaseName listDir replaceGroup ident = FoxReplaceGroup { groupName = ident ++ "." ++ listName , groupHtmlMode = False , groupUrls = Set.empty , groupSubs = Set.fromList $ map (replaceSub ident) subscribers } replaceSub ident sub = FoxReplaceSub { rInput = hash' (ident, sub) , rOutput = sub , rInputType = WordInput , rCaseSensitive = True } CLBS.putStrLn . encodePretty . FoxReplace . Set.fromList $ map replaceGroup identities _ -> hPutStrLn stderr "Called without expected arguments ()" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 2) _ -> hPutStrLn stderr ("Called under unsupported name ‘" ++ progName ++ "’") >> exitWith (ExitFailure 2) getIdentities :: IO [String] getIdentities = (filter (not . null) . lines <$> readFile "exposed.ids") `catchIOError` (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return [] else ioError e) getSubscribers :: IO [String] getSubscribers = map (map toLower) . concat <$> mapM (flip catchIOError (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return [] else ioError e) . readDir) ["subscribers.d", "digesters.d"] where readDir dir = concat <$> (mapM (fmap lines . readFile) . map (dir ) . filter (not . (`elem` [".", ".."]))=<< (getDirectoryContents dir)) hash' :: Show a => a -> String hash' = take len . map toLower . show . (hash :: CBS.ByteString -> Digest SHA256) . CBS.pack . map toLower . show len :: Int len = 32