{ flake, flakeInputs, path, hostName, config, lib, pkgs, customUtils, ... }:
  profileSet = customUtils.types.attrNameSet flake.nixosModules.systemProfiles;
  userProfileSet = customUtils.types.attrNameSet (lib.zipAttrs (lib.attrValues flake.nixosModules.userProfiles));
  hasSops = config.sops.secrets != {};
in {
  imports = with flakeInputs;
    [ sops-nix.nixosModules.sops
  options = {
    # See mkSystemProfile in ../flake.nix
    system.profiles = lib.mkOption {
      type = profileSet;
      default = [];
      description = ''
        Set (list without duplicates) of ‘systemProfiles’ enabled for this host

    users.users = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule {
        options.profiles = lib.mkOption {
          type = userProfileSet;
          default = [];
          description = ''
            Set (list without duplicates) of ‘userProfiles’ enabled for this user

  config = {
    networking.hostName = hostName;
    system.configurationRevision = lib.mkIf (flake ? rev) flake.rev;

    nixpkgs.pkgs = import flake.legacyPackages.${config.nixpkgs.system}.path {
      inherit (config.nixpkgs) system config;
      overlays = lib.attrValues flake.overlays;

    nix = {
      package = pkgs.nixUnstable;
      useSandbox = true;
      allowedUsers = [ "@wheel" ];
      trustedUsers = [ "root" "@wheel" ];
      extraOptions = ''
        experimental-features = nix-command flakes ca-references
      nixPath = [
      registry = {
        nixpkgs.flake = flakeInputs.nixpkgs;
        home-manager.flake = flakeInputs.home-manager;
        sops-nix.flake = flakeInputs.sops-nix;
        nixos.flake = flake;

    users.mutableUsers = false;

    # documentation.nixos.includeAllModules = true; # incompatible with home-manager (build fails)

    home-manager = {
      useGlobalPkgs = true; # Otherwise home-manager would only work impurely
      useUserPackages = true;

    sops = lib.mkIf hasSops {
      gnupgHome = "/root/.gnupg";
      sshKeyPaths = [];

    environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.git ] ++ lib.optional hasSops pkgs.gnupg;