#!@python@/bin/python import requests from requests.exceptions import HTTPError from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from datetime import * from xdg import (BaseDirectory) import configparser from uritools import uricompose from dateutil.easter import * from dateutil.tz import * from dateutil.parser import isoparse from enum import Enum from math import (copysign, ceil, floor) import calendar import argparse from copy import deepcopy import sys from sys import stderr from tabulate import tabulate class TogglAPISection(Enum): TOGGL = '/api/v8' REPORTS = '/reports/api/v2' class TogglAPIError(Exception): def __init__(self, http_error, response): self.http_error = http_error self.response = response def __str__(self): if not self.http_error is None: return str(self.http_error) else: return self.response.text class TogglAPI(object): def __init__(self, api_token, workspace_id): self._api_token = api_token self._workspace_id = workspace_id def _make_url(self, api=TogglAPISection.TOGGL, section=['time_entries', 'current'], params={}): if api is TogglAPISection.REPORTS: params.update({'user_agent': 'worktime', 'workspace_id': self._workspace_id}) api_path = api.value section_path = '/'.join(section) uri = uricompose(scheme='https', host='api.track.toggl.com', path=f"{api_path}/{section_path}", query=params) return uri def _query(self, url, method): headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} response = None if method == 'GET': response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self._api_token, 'api_token')) elif method == 'POST': response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self._api_token, 'api_token')) else: raise ValueError(f"Undefined HTTP method “{method}”") response.raise_for_status() return response def get_billable_hours(self, start_date, end_date=datetime.now(timezone.utc), rounding=False): billable_acc = timedelta(milliseconds = 0) step = timedelta(days = 365) for req_start in [start_date + x * step for x in range(0, ceil((end_date - start_date) / step))]: req_end = end_date if end_date > req_start + step: req_end = datetime.combine((req_start + step).astimezone(timezone.utc).date(), time(tzinfo=timezone.utc)) elif req_start > start_date: req_start = datetime.combine(req_start.astimezone(timezone.utc).date(), time(tzinfo=timezone.utc)) + timedelta(days = 1) url = self._make_url(api = TogglAPISection.REPORTS, section = ['summary'], params={'since': req_start.astimezone(timezone.utc).isoformat(), 'until': req_end.astimezone(timezone.utc).isoformat(), 'rounding': rounding}) r = self._query(url = url, method='GET') if not r or not r.json(): raise TogglAPIError(r) billable_acc += timedelta(milliseconds=r.json()['total_billable']) if r.json()['total_billable'] else timedelta(milliseconds=0) return billable_acc def get_running_clock(self, now=datetime.now(timezone.utc)): url = self._make_url(api = TogglAPISection.TOGGL, section = ['time_entries', 'current']) r = self._query(url = url, method='GET') if not r or not r.json(): raise TogglAPIError(r) if not r.json()['data'] or not r.json()['data']['billable']: return None start = isoparse(r.json()['data']['start']) return now - start if start <= now else None class Worktime(object): time_worked = timedelta() running_entry = None now = datetime.now(tzlocal()) time_pulled_forward = timedelta() is_workday = False include_running = True time_to_work = None force_day_to_work = True leave_days = set() leave_budget = dict() @staticmethod def holidays(year): holidays = dict() y_easter = datetime.combine(easter(year), time(), tzinfo=tzlocal()) # Legal holidays in munich, bavaria holidays[datetime(year, 1, 1, tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = 1 holidays[datetime(year, 1, 6, tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = 1 holidays[(y_easter+timedelta(days=-2)).date()] = 1 holidays[(y_easter+timedelta(days=+1)).date()] = 1 holidays[datetime(year, 5, 1, tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = 1 holidays[(y_easter+timedelta(days=+39)).date()] = 1 holidays[(y_easter+timedelta(days=+50)).date()] = 1 holidays[(y_easter+timedelta(days=+60)).date()] = 1 holidays[datetime(year, 8, 15, tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = 1 holidays[datetime(year, 10, 3, tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = 1 holidays[datetime(year, 11, 1, tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = 1 holidays[datetime(year, 12, 25, tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = 1 holidays[datetime(year, 12, 26, tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = 1 return holidays @staticmethod def config(): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config_dir = BaseDirectory.load_first_config('worktime') config.read(f"{config_dir}/worktime.ini") return config def __init__(self, start_datetime=None, end_datetime=None, now=None, include_running=True, force_day_to_work=True, **kwargs): self.include_running = include_running self.force_day_to_work = force_day_to_work if now: self.now = now config = Worktime.config() config_dir = BaseDirectory.load_first_config('worktime') api = TogglAPI(api_token=config['TOGGL']['ApiToken'], workspace_id=config['TOGGL']['Workspace']) date_format = config.get('WORKTIME', 'DateFormat', fallback='%Y-%m-%d') start_date = start_datetime or datetime.strptime(config['WORKTIME']['StartDate'], date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()) end_date = end_datetime or self.now try: with open(f"{config_dir}/reset", 'r') as reset: for line in reset: stripped_line = line.strip() reset_date = datetime.strptime(stripped_line, date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()) if reset_date > start_date and reset_date <= end_date: start_date = reset_date except IOError as e: if e.errno != 2: raise e hours_per_week = float(config.get('WORKTIME', 'HoursPerWeek', fallback=40)) workdays = set([int(d.strip()) for d in config.get('WORKTIME', 'Workdays', fallback='1,2,3,4,5').split(',')]) time_per_day = timedelta(hours = hours_per_week) / len(workdays) holidays = dict() leave_per_year = int(config.get('WORKTIME', 'LeavePerYear', fallback=30)) for year in range(start_date.year, end_date.year + 1): holidays |= {k: v * time_per_day for k, v in Worktime.holidays(year).items()} leave_frac = 1 if date(year, 1, 1) < start_date.date(): leave_frac = (date(year + 1, 1, 1) - start_date.date()) / (date(year + 1, 1, 1) - date(year, 1, 1)) self.leave_budget |= {year: floor(leave_per_year * leave_frac)} try: with open(f"{config_dir}/reset-leave", 'r') as excused: for line in excused: stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line: [datestr, count] = stripped_line.split(' ') day = datetime.strptime(datestr, date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).date() if day != start_date.date(): continue self.leave_budget[day.year] = (self.leave_budget[day.year] if day.year in self.leave_budget else 0) + int(count) except IOError as e: if e.errno != 2: raise e for excused_kind in {'excused', 'leave'}: try: with open(f"{config_dir}/{excused_kind}", 'r') as excused: for line in excused: stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line: splitLine = stripped_line.split(' ') fromDay = toDay = None def parse_datestr(datestr): nonlocal fromDay, toDay def parse_single(singlestr): return datetime.strptime(singlestr, date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).date() if '--' in datestr: [fromDay,toDay] = datestr.split('--') fromDay = parse_single(fromDay) toDay = parse_single(toDay) else: fromDay = toDay = parse_single(datestr) time = time_per_day if len(splitLine) == 2: [hours, datestr] = splitLine time = timedelta(hours = float(hours)) parse_datestr(datestr) else: parse_datestr(stripped_line) for day in [fromDay + timedelta(days = x) for x in range(0, (toDay - fromDay).days + 1)]: if end_date.date() < day or day < start_date.date(): continue if excused_kind == 'leave' and not (day in holidays and holidays[day] >= time_per_day) and day.isoweekday() in workdays: self.leave_days.add(day) holidays[day] = time except IOError as e: if e.errno != 2: raise e pull_forward = dict() start_day = start_date.date() end_day = end_date.date() try: with open(f"{config_dir}/pull-forward", 'r') as excused: for line in excused: stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line: [hours, datestr] = stripped_line.split(' ') constr = datestr.split(',') for d in [start_day + timedelta(days = x) for x in range(0, (end_day - start_day).days + 1 + int(timedelta(hours = float(hours)).total_seconds() / 60 * (7 / len(workdays)) * 2))]: for c in constr: if c in calendar.day_abbr: if not d.strftime('%a') == c: break elif "--" in c: [fromDay,toDay] = c.split('--') if fromDay != "": fromDay = datetime.strptime(fromDay, date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).date() if not fromDay <= d: break if toDay != "": toDay = datetime.strptime(toDay, date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).date() if not d <= toDay: break else: if not d == datetime.strptime(c, date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).date(): break else: if d >= end_date.date(): pull_forward[d] = min(timedelta(hours = float(hours)), time_per_day - (holidays[d] if d in holidays else timedelta())) except IOError as e: if e.errno != 2: raise e days_to_work = dict() if pull_forward: end_day = max(end_day, max(list(pull_forward))) for day in [start_day + timedelta(days = x) for x in range(0, (end_day - start_day).days + 1)]: if day.isoweekday() in workdays: time_to_work = time_per_day if day in holidays.keys(): time_to_work -= holidays[day] if time_to_work > timedelta(): days_to_work[day] = time_to_work extra_days_to_work = dict() try: with open(f"{config_dir}/days-to-work", 'r') as extra_days_to_work_file: for line in extra_days_to_work_file: stripped_line = line.strip() if stripped_line: splitLine = stripped_line.split(' ') if len(splitLine) == 2: [hours, datestr] = splitLine day = datetime.strptime(datestr, date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).date() extra_days_to_work[day] = timedelta(hours = float(hours)) else: extra_days_to_work[datetime.strptime(stripped_line, date_format).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()).date()] = time_per_day except IOError as e: if e.errno != 2: raise e self.is_workday = self.now.date() in days_to_work or self.now.date() in extra_days_to_work self.time_worked = timedelta() if self.include_running: self.running_entry = api.get_running_clock(self.now) if self.running_entry: self.time_worked += self.running_entry if self.running_entry and self.include_running and self.force_day_to_work and not (self.now.date() in days_to_work or self.now.date() in extra_days_to_work): extra_days_to_work[self.now.date()] = timedelta() self.time_to_work = sum([days_to_work[day] for day in days_to_work.keys() if day <= end_date.date()], timedelta()) for day in [d for d in list(pull_forward) if d > end_date.date()]: days_forward = set([d for d in days_to_work.keys() if d >= end_date.date() and d < day and (not d in pull_forward or d == end_date.date())]) extra_days_forward = set([d for d in extra_days_to_work.keys() if d >= end_date.date() and d < day and (not d in pull_forward or d == end_date.date())]) days_forward = days_forward.union(extra_days_forward) extra_day_time_left = timedelta() for extra_day in extra_days_forward: day_time = max(timedelta(), time_per_day - extra_days_to_work[extra_day]) extra_day_time_left += day_time extra_day_time = min(extra_day_time_left, pull_forward[day]) time_forward = pull_forward[day] - extra_day_time if extra_day_time_left > timedelta(): for extra_day in extra_days_forward: day_time = max(timedelta(), time_per_day - extra_days_to_work[extra_day]) extra_days_to_work[extra_day] += extra_day_time * (day_time / extra_day_time_left) hours_per_day_forward = time_forward / len(days_forward) if len(days_forward) > 0 else timedelta() days_forward.discard(end_date.date()) self.time_pulled_forward += time_forward - hours_per_day_forward * len(days_forward) if end_date.date() in extra_days_to_work: self.time_pulled_forward += extra_days_to_work[end_date.date()] self.time_to_work += self.time_pulled_forward self.time_worked += api.get_billable_hours(start_date, self.now, rounding = config.getboolean('WORKTIME', 'rounding', fallback=True)) def worktime(**args): worktime = Worktime(**args) def format_worktime(worktime): def difference_string(difference): total_minutes_difference = round(difference / timedelta(minutes = 1)) (hours_difference, minutes_difference) = divmod(abs(total_minutes_difference), 60) sign = '' if total_minutes_difference >= 0 else '-' difference_string = f"{sign}" if hours_difference != 0: difference_string += f"{hours_difference}h" if hours_difference == 0 or minutes_difference != 0: difference_string += f"{minutes_difference}m" return difference_string difference = worktime.time_to_work - worktime.time_worked total_minutes_difference = 5 * ceil(difference / timedelta(minutes = 5)) if worktime.running_entry and abs(difference) < timedelta(days = 1) and (total_minutes_difference > 0 or abs(worktime.running_entry) >= abs(difference)) : clockout_time = worktime.now + difference clockout_time += (5 - clockout_time.minute % 5) * timedelta(minutes = 1) clockout_time = clockout_time.replace(second = 0, microsecond = 0) if total_minutes_difference >= 0: difference_string = difference_string(total_minutes_difference * timedelta(minutes = 1)) return "{difference_string}/{clockout_time}".format(difference_string = difference_string, clockout_time = clockout_time.strftime("%H:%M")) else: difference_string = difference_string(abs(total_minutes_difference) * timedelta(minutes = 1)) return "{clockout_time}/{difference_string}".format(difference_string = difference_string, clockout_time = clockout_time.strftime("%H:%M")) else: if worktime.running_entry: difference_string = difference_string(abs(total_minutes_difference) * timedelta(minutes = 1)) indicator = '↓' if total_minutes_difference >= 0 else '↑' # '\u25b6' return f"{indicator}{difference_string}" else: difference_string = difference_string(total_minutes_difference * timedelta(minutes = 1)) if worktime.is_workday: return difference_string else: return f"({difference_string})" if worktime.time_pulled_forward >= timedelta(minutes = 15): worktime_no_pulled_forward = deepcopy(worktime) worktime_no_pulled_forward.time_to_work -= worktime_no_pulled_forward.time_pulled_forward worktime_no_pulled_forward.time_pulled_forward = timedelta() difference_string = format_worktime(worktime) difference_string_no_pulled_forward = format_worktime(worktime_no_pulled_forward) print(f"{difference_string_no_pulled_forward}…{difference_string}") else: print(format_worktime(worktime)) def time_worked(now, **args): then = now.replace(hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0) if now.time() == time(): now = now + timedelta(days = 1) then = Worktime(**dict(args, now = then)) now = Worktime(**dict(args, now = now)) worked = now.time_worked - then.time_worked if args['do_round']: total_minutes_difference = 5 * ceil(worked / timedelta(minutes = 5)) (hours_difference, minutes_difference) = divmod(abs(total_minutes_difference), 60) sign = '' if total_minutes_difference >= 0 else '-' difference_string = f"{sign}" if hours_difference != 0: difference_string += f"{hours_difference}h" if hours_difference == 0 or minutes_difference != 0: difference_string += f"{minutes_difference}m" print(difference_string) else: print(worked) def diff(now, **args): now = now.replace(hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0) then = now - timedelta.resolution then = Worktime(**dict(args, now = then, include_running = False)) now = Worktime(**dict(args, now = now, include_running = False)) print(now.time_to_work - then.time_to_work) def holidays(year, **args): config = Worktime.config() date_format = config.get('WORKTIME', 'DateFormat', fallback='%Y-%m-%d') table_data = [] holidays = Worktime.holidays(year) for k, v in holidays.items(): kstr = k.strftime(date_format) table_data += [[kstr, v]] print(tabulate(table_data, tablefmt="plain")) def leave(year, table, **args): worktime = Worktime(**dict(**args, end_datetime = datetime(year = year + 1, month = 1, day = 1, tzinfo=tzlocal()) - timedelta(microseconds=1))) config = Worktime.config() date_format = config.get('WORKTIME', 'DateFormat', fallback='%Y-%m-%d') leave_expires = config.get('WORKTIME', 'LeaveExpires', fallback=None) if leave_expires: leave_expires = datetime.strptime(leave_expires, '%m-%d').date() leave_budget = deepcopy(worktime.leave_budget) years = sorted(leave_budget.keys()) for day in sorted(worktime.leave_days): for iyear in years: if day > leave_expires.replace(year = iyear + 1): continue if leave_budget[iyear] <= 0: continue leave_budget[iyear] -= 1 break else: print(f'Unaccounted leave: {day}', file=stderr) if table: table_data = [] for year, days in leave_budget.items(): leave_days = sorted([day for day in worktime.leave_days if day.year == year]) table_data += [[year, days, ','.join(map(lambda d: d.strftime('%m-%d'), leave_days))]] print(tabulate(table_data, tablefmt="plain")) else: print(leave_budget[year]) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = "worktime", description = 'Track worktime using toggl API') parser.add_argument('--time', dest = 'now', metavar = 'TIME', type = lambda s: datetime.fromisoformat(s).replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()), help = 'Time to calculate status for (default: current time)', default = datetime.now(tzlocal())) parser.add_argument('--no-running', dest = 'include_running', action = 'store_false') parser.add_argument('--no-force-day-to-work', dest = 'force_day_to_work', action = 'store_false') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help = 'Subcommands') parser.set_defaults(cmd = worktime) time_worked_parser = subparsers.add_parser('time_worked', aliases = ['time', 'worked', 'today']) time_worked_parser.add_argument('--no-round', dest = 'do_round', action = 'store_false') time_worked_parser.set_defaults(cmd = time_worked) diff_parser = subparsers.add_parser('diff') diff_parser.set_defaults(cmd = diff) holidays_parser = subparsers.add_parser('holidays') holidays_parser.add_argument('year', metavar = 'YEAR', type = int, help = 'Year to evaluate holidays for (default: current year)', default = datetime.now(tzlocal()).year, nargs='?') holidays_parser.set_defaults(cmd = holidays) leave_parser = subparsers.add_parser('leave') leave_parser.add_argument('year', metavar = 'YEAR', type = int, help = 'Year to evaluate leave days for (default: current year)', default = datetime.now(tzlocal()).year, nargs='?') leave_parser.add_argument('--table', action = 'store_true') leave_parser.set_defaults(cmd = leave) args = parser.parse_args() args.cmd(**vars(args)) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())