{ config, pkgs, lib, flakeInputs, utils, ... }: with lib; let sshConfig = '' Include /etc/ssh/ssh_config ControlMaster auto ControlPath /var/lib/borg/.borgssh-master-%r@%n:%p ControlPersist yes Host yggdrasil.borgbase HostName nx69hpl8.repo.borgbase.com User nx69hpl8 IdentityFile ${config.sops.secrets."append.borgbase".path} IdentitiesOnly yes BatchMode yes ServerAliveInterval 10 ServerAliveCountMax 30 ''; checkBorgUnit = { serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; ExecStart = "${pkgs.borgbackup}/bin/borg ${utils.escapeSystemdExecArgs [ "--lock-wait" "3600" "--log-json" "--progress" "check" "--verify-data" "--max-duration" "4500" ]} %I"; Environment = [ "BORG_BASE_DIR=/var/lib/borg" "BORG_CONFIG_DIR=/var/lib/borg/config" "BORG_CACHE_DIR=/var/lib/borg/cache" "BORG_SECURITY_DIR=/var/lib/borg/security" "BORG_KEYS_DIR=/var/lib/borg/keys" "BORG_HOSTNAME_IS_UNIQUE=yes" "BORG_RSH=\"${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh -F ${pkgs.writeText "config" sshConfig}\"" ]; }; }; in { config = { services.borgsnap = { enable = true; target = "yggdrasil.borgbase:repo"; inherit sshConfig; keyfile = config.sops.secrets."yggdrasil.borgkey".path; }; services.copyborg.jotnar = { from = "/srv/backup/borg/jotnar"; to = "yggdrasil.borgbase:repo"; inherit sshConfig; keyfile = config.sops.secrets."yggdrasil.borgkey".path; timerOptions.timerConfig = { OnCalendar = "*-*-* 00/4:00:00 Europe/Berlin"; }; }; services.borgbackup.repos.jotnar = { path = "/srv/backup/borg/jotnar"; authorizedKeysAppendOnly = let dir = ./jotnar; toAuthKey = fname: ftype: if ftype != "regular" || !(hasSuffix ".pub" fname) then null else builtins.readFile (dir + "/${fname}"); in filter (v: v != null) (mapAttrsToList toAuthKey (builtins.readDir dir)); }; systemd.services."check-borg@${utils.escapeSystemdPath "/srv/backup/borg/jotnar"}" = checkBorgUnit; systemd.services."check-borg@${utils.escapeSystemdPath "yggdrasil.borgbase:repo"}" = recursiveUpdate checkBorgUnit { serviceConfig = { Environment = checkBorgUnit.serviceConfig.Environment ++ [ "BORG_KEY_FILE=${config.sops.secrets."yggdrasil.borgkey".path}" ]; }; }; systemd.timers."check-borg@${utils.escapeSystemdPath "/srv/backup/borg/jotnar"}" = { wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ]; timerConfig = { OnCalendar = "*-*-* 00:30:00 UTC"; }; }; systemd.timers."check-borg@${utils.escapeSystemdPath "yggdrasil.borgbase:repo"}" = { wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ]; timerConfig = { OnCalendar = "*-*-* 00:30:00 UTC"; }; }; boot.postBootCommands = mkBefore '' ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find /srv/backup/borg -type d -empty -delete ''; users.users.borg.extraGroups = ["ssh"]; services.openssh.extraConfig = '' Match User borg ClientAliveInterval 10 ClientAliveCountMax 30 Match All ''; sops.secrets."append.borgbase" = { format = "binary"; sopsFile = ./append.borgbase; owner = "borg"; group = "borg"; mode = "0400"; }; sops.secrets."yggdrasil.borgkey" = { format = "binary"; sopsFile = ./yggdrasil.borgkey; owner = "borg"; group = "borg"; mode = "0400"; }; }; }