{ flake, pkgs, customUtils, lib, config, path, ... }: let mwnSubnetsPublic = [ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ]; mwnSubnetsPrivate = [ "" "" "" ]; in { imports = with flake.nixosModules.systemProfiles; [ ./hw.nix ./mail initrd-all-crypto-modules default-locale openssh rebuild-machines ]; config = { nixpkgs = { system = "x86_64-linux"; config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }; boot = { initrd = { luks.devices = { nvm0.device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/fe641e81-0812-4181-a5f6-382ebba509bb"; nvm1.device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/43df1ba8-1728-4193-8855-920a82d4494a"; }; availableKernelModules = [ "drbg" "nvme" "xhci_pci" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" "rtsx_pci_sdmmc" ]; kernelModules = [ "dm-raid" "dm-integrity" "dm-snapshot" "dm-thin-pool" ]; }; blacklistedKernelModules = [ "nouveau" ]; # Use the systemd-boot EFI boot loader. loader = { systemd-boot = { enable = true; configurationLimit = 15; }; efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; timeout = null; }; plymouth.enable = true; kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; kernelParams = [ "i915.fastboot=1" "intel_pstate=no_hwp" "acpi_backlight=vendor" "thinkpad-acpi.brightness_enable=1" "quiet" ]; extraModulePackages = with config.boot.kernelPackages; [ v4l2loopback ]; kernelModules = ["v4l2loopback"]; tmpOnTmpfs = true; }; networking = { domain = "yggdrasil"; search = [ "yggdrasil" ]; hosts = { "" = [ "sif.yggdrasil" "sif" ]; "::1" = [ "sif.yggdrasil" "sif" ]; }; firewall = { enable = true; allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 # ssh 8000 # quickserve ]; }; networkmanager = { enable = true; dhcp = "internal"; dns = lib.mkForce "dnsmasq"; extraConfig = '' [connectivity] uri=https://online.yggdrasil.li ''; }; # wlanInterfaces = { # wlan0 = { # device = "wlp82s0"; # }; # }; # bonds = { # "lan" = { # interfaces = [ "wlan0" "enp0s31f6" "dock0" ]; # driverOptions = { # miimon = "1000"; # mode = "active-backup"; # primary_reselect = "always"; # }; # }; # }; dhcpcd.enable = false; useDHCP = false; useNetworkd = true; # interfaces."tinc.yggdrasil" = { # virtual = true; # virtualType = config.services.tinc.networks.yggdrasil.interfaceType; # macAddress = "5c:93:21:c3:61:39"; # }; }; systemd.services."NetworkManager-wait-online".enable = false; systemd.services."systemd-networkd-wait-online".enable = false; environment.etc."NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/libvirtd_dnsmasq.conf" = { text = '' server=/sif.libvirt/ ''; }; environment.etc."NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/wgrz.conf" = { text = '' server=/mathinst.loc/ server=/cipmath.loc/ ''; }; environment.etc."systemd/networkd.conf" = { text = '' [Network] RouteTable=wgrz:1025 ''; }; systemd.network = { netdevs = { wgrz = { netdevConfig = { Name = "wgrz"; Kind = "wireguard"; }; wireguardConfig = { PrivateKeyFile = config.sops.secrets.wgrz.path; ListenPort = 51822; # FirewallMark = 1; }; wireguardPeers = [ { wireguardPeerConfig = { AllowedIPs = [ "" ] ++ mwnSubnetsPrivate ++ mwnSubnetsPublic; PublicKey = "YlRFLc+rD2k2KXl7pIJbOKbcPgdJCl8ZTsv0xlK4VEI="; PersistentKeepalive = 25; Endpoint = "wg.math.lmu.de:51820"; }; } ]; }; }; networks = { wgrz = { name = "wgrz"; matchConfig = { Name = "wgrz"; }; address = [""]; routes = map (Destination: { routeConfig = { inherit Destination; Gateway = ""; GatewayOnLink = true; Table = "wgrz"; };}) (mwnSubnetsPrivate ++ mwnSubnetsPublic); routingPolicyRules = [ { routingPolicyRuleConfig = { Table = "main"; # FirewallMark = 1; To = ""; Priority = 100; }; } { routingPolicyRuleConfig = { Table = "wgrz"; From = ""; Priority = 200; }; } ] ++ map (To: { routingPolicyRuleConfig = { Table = "wgrz"; inherit To; Priority = 200; };}) (mwnSubnetsPrivate ++ mwnSubnetsPublic); linkConfig = { RequiredForOnline = false; }; networkConfig = { LLMNR = false; MulticastDNS = false; DNS = ["" "" ""]; }; }; }; }; sops.secrets.wgrz = { format = "binary"; sopsFile = ./wgrz/privkey; mode = "0640"; owner = "root"; group = "systemd-network"; }; networking.networkmanager.unmanaged = ["wgrz"]; services.resolved.enable = false; services.openssh.enable = true; powerManagement = { enable = true; cpuFreqGovernor = "schedutil"; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ nvtop brightnessctl config.boot.kernelPackages.v4l2loopback s-tui uhk-agent ]; services = { udev.packages = with pkgs; [ uhk-agent ]; # tinc.yggdrasil.enable = true; uucp = { enable = true; nodeName = "sif"; remoteNodes = { "ymir" = { publicKeys = ["ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIG6KNtsCOl5fsZ4rV7udTulGMphJweLBoKapzerWNoLY root@ymir"]; hostnames = ["ymir.yggdrasil.li" "ymir.niflheim.yggdrasil"]; }; }; defaultCommands = lib.mkForce []; }; avahi.enable = true; fwupd.enable = true; fprintd.enable = true; blueman.enable = true; colord.enable = true; vnstat.enable = true; upower.enable = true; logind = { lidSwitch = "suspend"; lidSwitchDocked = "lock"; lidSwitchExternalPower = "lock"; }; atd = { enable = true; allowEveryone = true; }; xserver = { enable = true; layout = "us"; xkbVariant = "dvp"; xkbOptions = "compose:caps"; displayManager.lightdm = { enable = true; greeters.gtk = { clock-format = "%H:%M %a %b %_d"; indicators = ["~host" "~spacer" "~clock" "~session" "~power"]; theme = { package = pkgs.equilux-theme; name = "Equilux-compact"; }; iconTheme = { package = pkgs.paper-icon-theme; name = "Paper"; }; extraConfig = '' background = #000000 user-background = false active-monitor = #cursor hide-user-image = true [monitor: DP-2] laptop = true ''; }; }; displayManager.setupCommands = '' ${pkgs.xorg.xinput}/bin/xinput disable 'SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad' ''; desktopManager.xterm.enable = true; windowManager.twm.enable = true; displayManager.defaultSession = "xterm+twm"; wacom.enable = true; libinput.enable = true; dpi = 282; videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; screenSection = '' Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }" ''; deviceSection = '' Option "AccelMethod" "SNA" Option "TearFree" "True" ''; exportConfiguration = true; }; }; users = { users.gkleen.extraGroups = [ "media" "plugdev" ]; groups.media = {}; groups.plugdev = {}; }; security.rtkit.enable = true; services.pipewire = { enable = true; alsa.enable = true; alsa.support32Bit = true; pulse.enable = true; jack.enable = true; media-session.enable = false; wireplumber.enable = true; config.pipewire = { "context.properties" = { "link.max-buffers" = 16; "log.level" = 2; "default.clock.rate" = 192000; "default.clock.quantum" = 1024; "default.clock.min-quantum" = 32; "default.clock.max-quantum" = 2048; "core.daemon" = true; "core.name" = "pipewire-0"; }; "context.modules" = [ { name = "libpipewire-module-rtkit"; args = { "nice.level" = -15; "rt.prio" = 88; "rt.time.soft" = 200000; "rt.time.hard" = 200000; }; flags = [ "ifexists" "nofail" ]; } { name = "libpipewire-module-protocol-native"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-profiler"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-metadata"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-spa-device-factory"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-spa-node-factory"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-client-node"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-client-device"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-portal"; flags = [ "ifexists" "nofail" ]; } { name = "libpipewire-module-access"; args = {}; } { name = "libpipewire-module-adapter"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-link-factory"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-session-manager"; } ]; }; config.pipewire-pulse = { "context.properties" = { "log.level" = 2; }; "context.modules" = [ { name = "libpipewire-module-rtkit"; args = { "nice.level" = -15; "rt.prio" = 88; "rt.time.soft" = 200000; "rt.time.hard" = 200000; }; flags = [ "ifexists" "nofail" ]; } { name = "libpipewire-module-protocol-native"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-client-node"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-adapter"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-metadata"; } { name = "libpipewire-module-protocol-pulse"; args = { "pulse.min.req" = "32/192000"; "pulse.default.req" = "1024/192000"; "pulse.max.req" = "2048/192000"; "pulse.min.quantum" = "32/192000"; "pulse.max.quantum" = "2048/192000"; "server.address" = [ "unix:native" ]; }; } ]; "stream.properties" = { "node.latency" = "2048/192000"; "resample.quality" = 1; }; }; }; hardware = { bluetooth = { enable = true; package = pkgs.bluezFull; settings = { General = { Enable = "Source,Sink,Media,Socket"; }; }; }; trackpoint = { enable = true; emulateWheel = true; sensitivity = 255; speed = 255; }; nvidia = { modesetting.enable = true; prime = { nvidiaBusId = "PCI:1:0:0"; intelBusId = "PCI:0:2:0"; sync.enable = true; }; }; opengl = { enable = true; driSupport32Bit = true; setLdLibraryPath = true; }; firmware = [ pkgs.firmwareLinuxNonfree ]; }; sound.enable = true; nix = { settings.auto-optimise-store = true; daemonCPUSchedPolicy = "idle"; daemonIOSchedClass = "idle"; buildServers.vidhar = { address = "vidhar.yggdrasil"; systems = ["x86_64-linux" "i686-linux"]; maxJobs = 12; speedFactor = 4; supportedFeatures = ["nixos-test" "benchmark" "big-parallel" "kvm"]; }; }; environment.etc."X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf".source = lib.mkForce ./wacom.conf; systemd.services."ac-plugged" = { description = "Inhibit handling of lid-switch and sleep"; path = with pkgs; [ systemd coreutils ]; script = '' exec systemd-inhibit --what=handle-lid-switch --why="AC is connected" --mode=block sleep infinity ''; serviceConfig = { Type = "simple"; }; }; services.udev.extraRules = with pkgs; lib.mkAfter '' SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ENV{POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE}=="0", RUN+="${systemd}/bin/systemctl --no-block stop ac-plugged.service" SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ENV{POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE}=="1", RUN+="${systemd}/bin/systemctl --no-block start ac-plugged.service" ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="virbr0", ENV{NM_UNMANAGED}="1" ''; services.btrfs.autoScrub = { enable = true; fileSystems = [ "/" "/home" ]; interval = "weekly"; }; systemd.services."nix-daemon".serviceConfig = { MemoryAccounting = true; MemoryHigh = "50%"; MemoryMax = "75%"; }; services.journald.extraConfig = '' SystemMaxUse=100M ''; services.dbus.packages = with pkgs; [ dbus dconf ]; programs = { light.enable = true; wireshark.enable = true; dconf.enable = true; }; virtualisation.libvirtd = { enable = true; }; zramSwap.enable = true; services.pcscd.enable = true; sops.secrets.gkleen-rclone = { sopsFile = ./gkleen-rclone.yaml; key = "passphrase"; owner = "gkleen"; group = "users"; }; i18n.inputMethod.enabled = "ibus"; system.stateVersion = "20.03"; }; }