{ description = "GKleen's flakey nixos configuration"; inputs = { nixpkgs = { type = "github"; owner = "NixOS"; repo = "nixpkgs"; ref = "master"; }; home-manager = { type = "github"; owner = "nix-community"; repo = "home-manager"; ref = "master"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; sops-nix = { type = "github"; owner = "Mic92"; repo = "sops-nix"; ref = "master"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; deploy-rs = { type = "github"; owner = "serokell"; repo = "deploy-rs"; ref = "master"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, sops-nix, deploy-rs, ... }@inputs: let inherit (builtins) attrNames attrValues elemAt toJSON isNull pathExists; inherit (nixpkgs) lib; utils = import ./utils { inherit lib; }; inherit (utils) nixImport overrideModule; inherit (lib) nixosSystem mkIf splitString filterAttrs listToAttrs mapAttrsToList nameValuePair concatMap composeManyExtensions mapAttrs mapAttrs' recursiveUpdate genAttrs unique elem optionalAttrs isDerivation concatLists; accountUserName = accountName: let accountName' = splitString "@" accountName; in elemAt accountName' 0; accountHostName = accountName: let accountName' = splitString "@" accountName; in elemAt accountName' 1; mkNixosConfiguration = addProfiles: dir: path: hostName: nixosSystem rec { specialArgs = { flake = self; flakeInputs = inputs; path = ./.; }; modules = let defaultProfiles = with self.nixosModules.systemProfiles; [ core ]; local = dir + "/${path}"; argsModule._module.args = { customUtils = utils; inherit hostName; }; accountModules = attrValues (filterAttrs accountMatchesHost self.nixosModules.accounts); accountMatchesHost = n: _v: accountHostName n == hostName; in attrValues (filterAttrs (n: _v: !(elem n ["systemProfiles" "users" "userProfiles" "accounts"])) self.nixosModules) ++ [ argsModule ] ++ defaultProfiles ++ addProfiles ++ [ local ] ++ accountModules; }; mkSystemProfile = dir: path: profileName: { imports = [ (dir + "/${path}") ]; config = { system.profiles = [profileName]; }; }; defaultUserProfiles = userName: with self.nixosModules.userProfiles.${userName}; [ core ]; mkUserModule = dir: path: userName: overrideModule (import (dir + "/${path}")) (inputs: inputs // { inherit userName; }) (outputs: { _file = dir + "/${path}"; } // outputs // { imports = defaultUserProfiles userName ++ (outputs.imports or []); }); mkUserProfile = userName: dir: path: profileName: let profileModule = overrideModule (import (dir + "/${path}")) (inputs: inputs // { inherit userName; }) (outputs: { _file = dir + "/${path}"; } // outputs); in { imports = [profileModule]; config = { users.users.${userName}.profiles = [profileName]; }; }; mkAccountModule = dir: path: accountName: let userName = accountUserName accountName; in overrideModule (import (dir + "/${path}")) (inputs: inputs // { inherit userName; }) (outputs: { _file = dir + "/${path}"; } // outputs // { imports = [self.nixosModules.users.${userName} or ({...}: { imports = defaultUserProfiles userName; })] ++ (outputs.imports or []); }); systemsSelector = "x86_64-linux"; forAllSystems = f: mapAttrs f (filterAttrs (system: _systemPkgs: !(isNull (builtins.match systemsSelector system))) nixpkgs.legacyPackages); forAllUsers = genAttrs (unique (map accountUserName (attrNames self.nixosModules.accounts))); activateNixosConfigurations = forAllSystems (system: _pkgs: mapAttrs' (hostName: nixosConfig: nameValuePair "${hostName}-activate" { type = "app"; program = "${nixosConfig.config.system.build.toplevel}/bin/switch-to-configuration"; }) self.nixosConfigurations); overlayPaths = nixImport rec { dir = ./overlays; _import = (path: _name: dir + "/${path}"); }; installerProfiles = system: let nixpkgs-path = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.path; in mapAttrs (name: {path, output}: { profile = mkSystemProfile nixpkgs-path path "installer-${name}"; inherit output; }) { cd-dvd = { path = "nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix"; output = out: out.config.system.build.isoImage; }; netboot = { path = "nixos/modules/installer/netboot/netboot-minimal.nix"; output = out: (self.legacyPackages.${system}.symlinkJoin { name = "netboot"; paths = with out.config.system.build; [ netbootRamdisk kernel netbootIpxeScript ]; preferLocalBuild = true; }); }; }; installerConfig = if pathExists ./installer.nix then "installer.nix" else (if pathExists ./installer then "installer" else null); installers = let mkInstallers = system: mapAttrs (mkInstaller system) (installerProfiles system); mkInstaller = system: name: {profile, output}: let mkOutput = output; in rec { config = mkNixosConfiguration [profile { config = { nixpkgs.system = system; }; }] ./. installerConfig "installer"; output = mkOutput config; }; in forAllSystems (system: _systemPkgs: optionalAttrs (!(isNull installerConfig)) (mkInstallers system)); installerNixosConfigurations = listToAttrs (concatLists (mapAttrsToList (system: mapAttrsToList (profile: { config, ... }: nameValuePair ("installer-${system}-${profile}") config)) installers)); packages = let installerPackages = system: optionalAttrs (!(isNull installerConfig)) (mapAttrs' (profile: value: nameValuePair "installer-${profile}" value.output) installers.${system}); in forAllSystems (system: systemPkgs: self.overlays.default (self.legacyPackages.${system}) systemPkgs // installerPackages system); activateHomeManager = system: base: (deploy-rs.lib.${system}.activate.custom // { dryActivate = "DRY_RUN=1 $PROFILE/activate"; }) base.activationPackage "$PROFILE/activate"; in { nixosModules = let modulesAttrs = nixImport { dir = ./modules; }; systemProfiles = nixImport rec { dir = ./system-profiles; _import = mkSystemProfile dir; }; users = nixImport rec { dir = ./users; _import = mkUserModule dir; }; userProfiles = forAllUsers (userName: nixImport rec { dir = ./user-profiles; _import = mkUserProfile userName dir; }); accounts = recursiveUpdate rootAccounts (nixImport rec { dir = ./accounts; _import = mkAccountModule dir; }); rootAccounts = mapAttrs' (hostName: _value: nameValuePair "root@${hostName}" ({...}: { imports = [ self.nixosModules.users.root or ({...}: { imports = defaultUserProfiles "root"; }) ]; })) self.nixosConfigurations; in modulesAttrs // { inherit systemProfiles users userProfiles accounts; }; nixosConfigurations = installerNixosConfigurations // nixImport rec { dir = ./hosts; _import = mkNixosConfiguration [] dir; }; homeModules = nixImport rec { dir = ./home-modules; }; homeConfigurations = listToAttrs (concatLists (mapAttrsToList (hostname: nixosConfig: mapAttrsToList (username: configuration: nameValuePair "${username}@${hostname}" { inherit (configuration.home) activationPackage; }) nixosConfig.config.home-manager.users) self.nixosConfigurations)); overlays = let overlays = mapAttrs (_name: path: import path) overlayPaths; in overlays // { default = final: prev: composeManyExtensions (attrValues overlays) final prev; }; overlays-path = forAllSystems (system: _: self.legacyPackages.${system}.writeText "overlays.nix" '' map import (builtins.attrValues (builtins.fromJSON ${self.legacyPackages.${system}.lib.strings.escapeNixString (toJSON overlayPaths)})) ''); packages = mapAttrs (_name: filterAttrs (_name: isDerivation)) packages; packages' = mapAttrs (_name: filterAttrs (_name: value: !(isDerivation value))) packages; legacyPackages = forAllSystems (system: systemPkgs: recursiveUpdate systemPkgs packages.${system}); apps = activateNixosConfigurations; devShells = forAllSystems (system: systemPkgs: { default = import ./shell.nix { pkgs = self.legacyPackages.${system}; deploy-rs = deploy-rs.defaultPackage.${system}; }; }); templates.default = { path = ./.; description = "GKleen's flakey nixos configuration"; }; deploy.nodes = mapAttrs (hostname: _: { inherit hostname; sshUser = "root"; profilesOrder = ["system"]; # system first profiles = { system = { path = deploy-rs.lib.${self.nixosConfigurations.${hostname}.config.nixpkgs.system}.activate.nixos self.nixosConfigurations.${hostname}; }; } // (mapAttrs (_user: usercfg: { user = usercfg.home.username; path = activateHomeManager (self.nixosConfigurations.${hostname}.config.nixpkgs.system) usercfg.home; }) self.nixosConfigurations.${hostname}.config.home-manager.users); }) (nixImport { dir = ./hosts; _import = (_path: name: name); }); checks = builtins.mapAttrs (system: deployLib: deployLib.deployChecks self.deploy) deploy-rs.lib; }; }