{ flake, userName, pkgs, customUtils, lib, config, ... }@inputs: let cfg = config.home-manager.users.${userName}; xmonad = import ./xmonad pkgs.haskellPackages; emacsclientDesktopItem = pkgs.makeDesktopItem { name = "emacsclient"; genericName = "Text Editor"; desktopName = "emacsclient"; icon = "emacs"; mimeType = "text/english;text/plain;text/x-makefile;text/x-c++hdr;text/x-c++src;text/x-chdr;text/x-csrc;text/x-java;text/x-moc;text/x-pascal;text/x-tcl;text/x-tex;application/x-shellscript;text/x-c;text/x-c++;"; exec = "${config.home-manager.users.${userName}.programs.emacs.package}/bin/emacsclient -a \"\" %F"; }; emacsScratch = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "scratch"; version = "0077334cc299aa7885f804d88f52cdb1b35caf71"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ffevotte"; repo = "scratch.el"; rev = version; sha256 = "sha256-FUkKJ+1COGzgllzzv51yUIjMZI6slOFVExdwWl2ZEBA="; }; phases = [ "installPhase" ]; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/share/emacs/site-lisp cp $src/scratch.el $out/share/emacs/site-lisp/default.el ''; }; muteScript = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "mute"; src = ./scripts/mute.zsh; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ makeWrapper ]; phases = [ "installPhase" ]; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/bin install -m 0755 $src $out/bin/mute wrapProgram $out/bin/mute \ --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.zsh}/bin \ --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.findutils}/bin \ --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.util-linux}/bin \ --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin \ --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin ''; }; wrappedChrome = pkgs.runCommand "${pkgs.google-chrome.name}-wrapped" { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ makeWrapper ]; } '' mkdir -p "$out/bin" install -m 0755 ${pkgs.google-chrome}/bin/google-chrome-stable $out/bin/google-chrome wrapProgram $out/bin/google-chrome \ --add-flags '--force-device-scale-factor=1.6' ''; wrappedZulip = pkgs.runCommand "${pkgs.zulip.name}-wrapped" { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ makeWrapper ]; } '' mkdir -p "$out/bin" install -m 0755 ${pkgs.zulip}/bin/zulip $out/bin/zulip wrapProgram $out/bin/zulip \ --add-flags '--force-device-scale-factor=1.6' ''; wrappedElementDesktop = pkgs.runCommand "${pkgs.element-desktop.name}-wrapped" { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ makeWrapper ]; } '' mkdir -p "$out/bin" install -m 0755 ${pkgs.element-desktop}/bin/element-desktop $out/bin/element-desktop wrapProgram $out/bin/element-desktop \ --add-flags '--force-device-scale-factor=1.6' ''; in { imports = with flake.nixosModules.userProfiles.${userName}; [ mpv yt-dlp ]; home-manager.users.${userName} = { nixpkgs.config = { zathura.useMupdf = false; }; programs = { ssh = { matchBlocks = import ./ssh-hosts.nix { inherit pkgs; }; # customUtils.nixImport { dir = ./ssh-hosts; }; extraConfig = '' Match host uniworx3.ifi.lmu.de,uniworx4.ifi.lmu.de,uniworx5.ifi.lmu.de,uni2workgw.ifi.lmu.de,blackbeard.tcs.ifi.lmu.de,gitlab2.rz.ifi.lmu.de,oregon.tcs.ifi.lmu.de !exec "nc -z -w 1 %h %p &>/dev/null" ProxyJump remote.cip.ifi.lmu.de Match host *.mathinst.loc,*.cipmath.loc,*.math.lmu.de IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gkleen@mathinst.loc HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa ConnectTimeout 30 Match host *.mathinst.loc !host mathw0g.mathinst.loc !exec "nc -z -w 1 %h %p &>/dev/null" # ProxyCommand ${pkgs.socat}/bin/socat - SOCKS4A:,socksport=8118 ProxyJump mathw0g Match host mathw0g.mathinst.loc !exec "nc -z -w 1 %h %p &>/dev/null" HostName mathw0g.math.lmu.de Match host *.cipmath.loc !exec "nc -z -w 1 %h %p &>/dev/null" ProxyJump mathw0h Host * ''; }; emacs = { enable = true; extraPackages = epkgs: with epkgs; [ evil evil-dvorak undo-tree magit haskell-mode nix-mode yaml-mode json-mode shakespeare-mode smart-mode-line highlight-parentheses highlight-symbol notmuch ag sass-mode lua-mode fira-code-mode use-package use-package-ensure-system-package git-gutter emacsScratch edit-server mediawiki ]; }; firefox = { enable = true; profiles.default = { settings = { "layout.css.devPixelsPerPx" = "1.75"; "browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar" = false; "toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets" = true; "dom.security.https_only_mode" = true; }; }; }; alacritty = { enable = true; settings = import ./alacritty.nix; }; zathura.enable = true; mpv.config = { demuxer-max-bytes = 1073741824; demuxer-max-back-bytes = 268435456; }; autorandr = { enable = true; hooks.postswitch = { # "restart-compton" = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl --user try-restart picom"; "restart-trays" = '' ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/sleep 5 ${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl --user try-restart trayer xmobar ''; }; profiles = customUtils.nixImport { dir = ./autorandr-profiles; }; }; zsh.initExtra = "source ${./zshrc}"; zsh.dirHashes = { u2w = "$HOME/projects/uni2work"; docs = "$HOME/documents"; dl = "$HOME/Downloads"; flk = "$HOME/config/nixos-flakes"; fsk-timi = "$HOME/projects/21s/fsk-timi"; fsk-timi-exam = "$HOME/projects/21s/fsk-timi-exam"; }; obs-studio = { enable = true; plugins = with pkgs; []; }; gh = { enable = true; settings = { editor = "${config.home-manager.users.${userName}.programs.emacs.package}/bin/emacsclient"; gitProtocol = "ssh"; }; }; nix-index.enable = true; }; services = { dunst = { settings = import ./dunst-settings.nix inputs; iconTheme = cfg.gtk.iconTheme; enable = true; }; emacs.enable = true; gpg-agent = { enable = true; enableSshSupport = true; extraConfig = '' pinentry-program ${pkgs.pinentry-gtk2}/bin/pinentry grab ''; }; taffybar = { enable = true; package = import ./taffybar { inherit (pkgs) haskellPackages; }; }; status-notifier-watcher.enable = true; pasystray.enable = true; udiskie = { enable = true; automount = false; }; unclutter = { enable = true; timeout = 5; }; network-manager-applet.enable = true; blueman-applet.enable = true; sxhkd = { enable = true; keybindings = { "button8" = "${muteScript}/bin/mute unmute"; "@button8" = "${muteScript}/bin/mute mute"; "button9" = "${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pacmd set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ 1"; "@button9" = "${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pacmd set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ 0"; }; }; unison = { enable = true; pairs = { documents = { roots = ["${cfg.home.homeDirectory}/documents" "ssh://unison.vidhar/documents"]; stateDirectory = "${cfg.xdg.dataHome}/documents.unison"; commandOptions = { auto = "true"; batch = "true"; log = "false"; repeat = "watch"; sshcmd = "${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh"; ui = "text"; }; }; }; }; easyeffects = { enable = true; preset = "LoudnessEqualizer"; }; }; gtk = { enable = true; font = { package = pkgs.fira; name = "Fira Sans"; size = 6; }; theme = { package = pkgs.equilux-theme; name = "Equilux-compact"; }; iconTheme = { package = pkgs.paper-icon-theme; name = "Paper"; }; }; xsession = { enable = true; windowManager.command = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/env -u SHLVL -- ${xmonad}/bin/xmonad"; initExtra = let lockScript = pkgs.writeScript "lock" '' #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} ${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl -a pause exec ${pkgs.xsecurelock}/bin/xsecurelock ''; in '' ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/env XSECURELOCK_WANT_FIRST_KEYPRESS=1 XSECURELOCK_DIM_ALPHA=1 ${pkgs.xss-lock}/bin/xss-lock -l -n ${pkgs.xsecurelock}/libexec/xsecurelock/dimmer -- ${lockScript} & ${pkgs.xorg.xinput}/bin/xinput disable 'Synaptics TM3512-010' ${pkgs.xorg.xset}/bin/xset s 590 10 ${pkgs.xorg.xmodmap}/bin/xmodmap -e 'keysym Caps_Lock = Multi_key' ''; pointerCursor = { package = pkgs.vanilla-dmz; defaultCursor = "left_ptr"; name = "Vanilla-DMZ-AA"; size = 32; }; }; xresources.properties = import ./xresources.nix; home = { packages = with pkgs; [ fira fira-code powerline-fonts nerdfonts pavucontrol keepassxc sxiv xclip mumble pulseaudio-ctl pamixer libnotify synergy xorg.xbacklight screen-message pidgin-with-plugins google-play-music-desktop-player qt5ct playerctl evince thunderbird wrappedZulip zoom-us steam steam-run wireshark virt-manager rclone cached-nix-shell xournal xmonad worktime fira-code-symbols emacsclientDesktopItem libreoffice xournalpp wrappedChrome nixos-shell virt-viewer freerdp gnome-icon-theme paper-icon-theme sshpassSecret weechat helvum wrappedElementDesktop ]; file = { ".emacs" = { source = ./emacs.el; onChange = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl --user try-restart emacs.service"; }; ".backup-munin".source = ./backup-patterns; ".mozilla/firefox/default/chrome/userChrome.css".source = ./firefox-chrome.css; ".mozilla/firefox/default/chrome/userContent.css".source = ./firefox-content.css; }; sessionVariables = { GDK_SCALE = 96.0 / 282.0; QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR = 1; QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "qt5ct"; LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI = "qemu:///system"; }; extraProfileCommands = '' export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${pkgs.gsettings-desktop-schemas}/share/gsettings-schemas/${pkgs.gsettings-desktop-schemas.name}:${pkgs.gtk3}/share/gsettings-schemas/${pkgs.gtk3.name}''${XDG_DATA_DIRS:+:''${XDG_DATA_DIRS}}" ''; keyboard = { layout = "us"; variant = "dvp"; options = [ "ctl:nocaps" "compose:caps" ]; }; }; fonts.fontconfig.enable = true; systemd.user = import ./systemd.nix inputs; }; }