Multiple encryptions from cpa-secure cryptosystem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - We have seen that a block cipher can be used repeatedly with the same key (using e.g. CTR-mode) without compromising security. We show now that this is true for an arbitrary cpa-secure cryptosystem. From a practical point of view this is not so important because cpa-secure cryptosystems typically come from block ciphers, and a block cipher is used more efficiently through one of the modes of operation given. However, the proof of the result (cpa->multiple) is interesting at this point because it is the first time where we use semantic security (here in the cpa sense) as an assumption rather than establishing it. Furthermore, the result becomes practically relevant in the context of public key cryptography where by definition security against eavesdroppers and cpa security coincide. Theorem. Let Pi=(Gen,Enc,Dec) be cpa-secure. Build Pi'=(Gen,Enc',Dec') Enc'_k(m1 || m2) = Enc_k(m1) || Enc_k(m2) Then Pi' is cpa-secure, too. Proof: Consider an adversary A' against Pi'. We run A' and answer oracle queries honestly using Enc'_k. Adversary A' eventually produces m^0 = m1^0 || m2^0 m^1 = m1^1 || m2^1 and asks for a ciphertext c1 || c2. For b1,b2,b':{0,1} define P(b1,b2,b') to be the probability that A' outputs b' when c1<-Enc_k(m1^b1); c2<-Enc_k(m2^b2). The success probability of A' equals 1/2 * (P(0,0,0) + P(1,1,1)) The probabilities P(0,1,0) and P(0,1,1) are somewhat funny since they correspond to replies to the adversary's question that are against the rules. However, we still know that their sum is one and this can be used as follows: Let us design an adversary A against the original system Pi. This adversary A produces m2^0 and m2^1 and receives a ciphertext c2 for one of the two. It can then obtain c1<-Enc_k(m1^0), forward c1||c2 to A' and output the bit b' it eventually receives from A'. The probability that this bit is correct then is 1/2 P(0,0,0) + 1/2 P(0,1,1) by making a case distinction over the equally likely possibilities b=0 or b=1. So, assuming that Pi is cpa secure, we obtain a negligible function negl(n) so that 1/2 P(0,0,0) + 1/2 P(0,1,1) <= 1/2+negl(n) Similarly, by producing m1^0 and m1^1 instead and using c2<-Enc_k(m2^1), we obtain a bound 1/2 P(0,1,0) + 1/2 P(1,1,1) <= 1/2+negl(n) Summing up and using the fact that the sum of negligibles is negligible we get 1/2(P(0,0,0)+P(1,1,1)) + 1/2 <= 1 + negl(n) and so 1/2(P(0,0,0)+P(1,1,1)) <= 1/2 + negl(n) QED. Let us now consider the more general case where Pi is used to encode a sequence of message of some arbitrary length l=l(n), i.e., depending on n. Thus, define Pi'=(Gen,Enc',Dec') by Enc'_k(m1||...||ml) = Enc_k(m1) || ... || Enc_k(ml) etc Theorem: If Pi is cpa-secure so is Pi' as defined above. Proof: The proof is similar to the one before. Adversary A' against Pi' eventually produces m1^^0 and m1^^1 and waits for ciphertexts For 0<=j<=l define P_j(b') to be the probability that A' outputs b' assuming that c1<-Enc_k(m1^0) ... cj<-Enc_k(mj^0), c_{j+1}<-Enc_k(m_{j+1}^1) ... cl<-Enc_k(ml^1) The success probability for A' is 1/2 * (P_l(0) + P_0(1)) and, as before, we should bound this by 1/2+negl(n). For the skew probabilities it holds as before P_j(0)+P_j(1)=1. For each t=1..l we build an adversary A_t against Pi by outputting mt^0 and mt^1, receiving ct, requesting c1<-Enc_k(m1^0), c2<-Enc_k(m2^0) ... c_{t-1}<-Enc_k(m_{t-1}^0), c_{t+1}<-Enc_k(m_{t+1}^1)...c_l<-Enc_k(m_l^1). Notice the switch from ^0 to ^1 after we reach t. Adversary A_t then forwards to A' and returns its answer. The success probability is 1/2(P_{t}(0)+P_{t-1}(1)) which is hence bounded by 1/2 + negl(n): For all t=1..l : 1/2(P_t(0)+P_{t-1}(1)) <= 1/2+negl(n) Summing all these inequalities noticing P_t(0)+P_t(1)=1 yields 1/2(P_l(0) + (l-1)*1 + P_0(1)) <= 1/2*l + negl(n) /* another negligible function */ and thus 1/2(P_l(0) + P_0(1)) <= 1/2 + negl(n) as required. QED