From 162df3190c4e179ef968b0a467ddd4951faba336 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gregor Kleen Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 15:33:07 +0200 Subject: Notes on cryptography --- ss2017/cryptography/Notes14.txt | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 208 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ss2017/cryptography/Notes14.txt (limited to 'ss2017/cryptography/Notes14.txt') diff --git a/ss2017/cryptography/Notes14.txt b/ss2017/cryptography/Notes14.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6075ff --- /dev/null +++ b/ss2017/cryptography/Notes14.txt @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +14 El Gamal and elliptic curve cryptography +------------------------------------------- + +The El Gamal cryptosystem is based on the DDH assumption and is +provably secure under the assumption of the latter. Just like DH-key +exchange it is parametrised by a group (generating algorithm) G(n) and +works as follows: + +Gen(n) : + (G,q,g) = G(n) + x <- Z_q + h <- g^x + pk = (G,q,g,h) + sk = (G,q,g,x) + output (pk,sk) + +Enc_(G,q,g,h)(m) : + check that m:G + y <- Z_q + c = (g^y,h^y*m) + output c + +Dec_(G,q,g,g,x)(c1,c2) : + m = c2 / c1^x + output m + + +Let us first see that this scheme is correct: If c1=g^y and c2=h^y*m +where h=g^x then c2 / c1^x= g^(xy) * m / g^(xy) = m + +We also notice that messages and ciphertexts are actually elements of +the group G which must therefore by somehow encoded as binary +strings. This can be done in various ways for the various groups, see +KL for details. + +Theorem: If the DDH assumptions holds for a group (generating +algorithm) G() then the El Gamal cryptosystem basd on G() is +semantically secure. + +Proof: Let A be an adversary against the El Gamal system and let its +success probability be 1/2+eps(n). We must show that eps(n) is +negligible. We construct from A an adversary A' as in the DDH +assumption. + +Suppose that A' receives g^x, g^y, u where u is either g^(xy) or g^z +for random z and A' is to decide which of the two. + +We forward (G,q,g,g^x) as "public key" to A and wait for it to output +m0,m1:G. We choose a random bit b and build c = (g^y,u*m_b) and let b' +be the bit that A returns. + +If u=g^(xy) then A is played with according to the rules of the El +Gamal cryptosystem and therefore b'=b with probability 1/2+eps(n). If +u=g^z for random z then u*m0 is also uniformly random (since x|->x*m0 +is a bijection G->G) and therefore the probability that b'=b is +exactly 1/2. The difference between the two probabilities is precisely +eps(n) which under the DDH assumption will be negligible. QED + + +Elliptic curve cryptography +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - + +As already mentioned, elliptic curves furnish a large reservoir of +cyclic groups for which taking discrete logarithms, CDH, and DDH are +believed to be hard. With existing algorithms, solving these problems +on elliptic curve groups is consistently harder than doing so for +groups of invertible elements mod p or in a finite field. + +Recall that an elliptic curve over some field F of characteristic =/= +2,3 is defined by two constants a, b and comprises the points (x,y) +that solve the equation + + y^2 = x^3 + ax + b + +Here, one assumes that the *discriminant* 4a^3+27b^2 =/= 0 for +otherwise the curve might be *singular*, i.e. contain anomalies like +isolated points, sharp bends ("cusps") or similar. When viewed over +the reals such a curve looks roughly as follows: + + | | + | / + - | - / + / | \ _ - + | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------- + | | - _ + \ | / \ + -| - \ + | | + +Depending on the parameters the knob to the left may also become +detached and form a closed loop sitting to the right. In either case +whenever a line intersects the curve in two points it meets it again +in a third point except when the line is parallel to the y-axis in +which case we say that the third point of intersection is at infinity, +here denoted O. + +This property also holds for curves over other fields, in particular +finite ones which are of interest for cryptography. There is an +explicit formula for obtaining the third point of intersection. To +wit, if (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) lie on the curve then the line through +them is y=m(x-x1)+y1 where m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1). Plugging this into the +curve yields + + (m(x-x1)+y1)^2 = x^3+ax+b + +The three solutions of this equation are x=x1, x=x2, x=m^2-x1-x2, so +the last one is the desired third point of intersection. + +Now, it is a remarkable fact that the points on the curve together +with O form an abelian group, traditionally written additively, where +the sum of points P and Q is obtained by first taking the third curve +point on the line through P and Q, call it R=(x_R,y_R), and then +reflecting R on the x-axis, i.e. P+Q=(x_R,-y_R). + +This, however, only applies when P=/=Q and when P and Q do not have +the same x-coordinate. In the latter case, one has P+Q=O, the special +point at infinity. In the former case, i.e. when P=Q, one must take +the tangent through P and intersect it with the curve. + +One can show using implicit differentiation that the coordinates of +that point are given by + + (((3x_1^2+a)/2y_1)^2 - 2x1, -y1+((3x_1^2+a)/2y_1)^2(x1-x2)) + +and this formula, just as the one above for the general case, also +makes sense for finite fields where there are no "tangents". Yet +another special case is when P or Q is O. One simply puts O+P=P+O=P. + +Curves over fields of characteristic 2 or 3 are also possible, but +then both the defining equations and the formulas for addition of +points become slightly different (notice e.g. that in the formula +above we divide by 2). We refer to the literature, but stress that it +is very important not to make mistakes with the implementation of the +addition formulas and that doing so has lead to security flaws. + +We have already seen that addition of points is well-defined and +commutative. It is also clear that the inverse of a point (x,y) is +given by (x,-y), i.e. reflection on the x-axis. Associativity of +addition follows from nontrivial results, e.g. the Weierstrass +p-function, but can in principle also be validated "by hand" on the +basis of the above formulas. + +For integer n and point P on a curve we use the notation n.P for +P+P+...+P with summands. This is the same as the exponent notation in +multiplicatively written groups. Therefore, the "repeated squaring" +method can be used here as well: + + 100.P = 4.P+32.P+64.P = 2.(2.(P + 2.(2.(2.(P+2.P))))) + +Now, the plan is to use the groups coming from elliptic curves for +cryptosystems like Diffie-Hellman key exchange or El Gamal. For this +to work, a couple more considerations are in order: we need to encode +plaintexts as points on the group and we need to ascertain that the +group is cyclic or else move to a cyclic subgroup. + +In order to find a cyclic group one can rely on one of the publicly +available and recommended curves. Many of them have a prime number of +points and hence are cyclic with any element other than O being a +generator. Alternatively, one can try out random coefficients a and b +until one finds a curve with a prime number of points. To do this, one +needs to invoke Schoof's algorithm which allows one to determine the +number of points on a given elliptic curve. + +If one would like to use a curve with a nonprime number, say N, of +points, then one must factor N and it is then important that N has a +large prime factor p, i.e. p>sqrt(N). In this case, by the +representation theorem for finite(ly generated) abelian groups there +is a subgroup of order p and any of its nonzero elements are +generators. Moreover, the remaining subgroups have smaller order. To +check whether a point P is in the subgroup of order p it suffices to +check that p.P = O. To obtain a point in that subgroup one can pick a +random point P and if Q := N/p.P =/= O then p.Q is in the subgroup, +hence Q can serve as a generator. + +For the most, however, one uses one of the already publicised elliptic +curves such as those recommended by the NIST "for government use". +See +There is no need to choose a "fresh" curve for every application and +on the other hand, some curves are "weak" and should be avoided. + +In order to encode plaintexts as points we can proceed as +follows. First, we note that it suffices to store the x-coordinate of +a point and a single bit telling whether the y-coordinate is above or +below the x-axis, i.e., which of the two square roots of x^3 +ax+b are +meant. This is known as point compression. As for the x-coordinates +one fixes a bijection alpha between bitstrings of length l=log(q) and +field elements. Now one puts t=l-k where k is chosen sufficiently +large. Then, to encode message x of length t one searches for a string +z of length k so that alpha(x||z) has a square root y over GF(q), +i.e., is a quadratic residue. At that point, (alpha(x||z),y) can be +taken as the desired encoding of x as a curve point. For random +padding z the chance for alpha(x||z) to be a quadratic residue is +about 1/2, so after a short number of iterations one is almost sure to +find an appropriate encoding. We also remark that there exist +efficient algorithms for testing whether a given field element is a +quadratic residue and if so to compute its square root. + +With all this machinery in place, the Diffie-Hellman and El Gamal +cryptosystems can be used with elliptic curve groups without any +change, bearing in mind, of course, that instead of exponentiation +g^x, we now use multiplication x.P and instead of multiplication we +use addition, so that, e.g. the encryption of message m encoded as a +point M becomes (y.P,y.Q+M) where P is the generator and Q=x.P + +We close by remarking that since the early 2000 elliptic curve +cryptography (ECC) has become more and more common. Also the bitcoin +cryptocurrency uses it. -- cgit v1.2.3