\begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-| Description: Deterministic finite state transducers -} module Control.DFST ( DFST(..) , runDFST, runDFST' , toFST ) where import Data.Map.Strict (Map, (!?)) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Sequence (Seq(..)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Monoid import Numeric.Natural import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Control.FST (FST(FST)) import qualified Control.FST as FST data DFST state input output = DFST { stInitial :: state , stTransition :: Map (state, input) (state, Seq output) -- ^ All @(s, c)@-combinations not mapped are assumed to map to @(s, Nothing)@ , stAccept :: Set state } toFST :: forall state input output. (Ord state, Ord input, Ord output) => DFST state input output -> FST (state, Natural) input output -- ^ Split apart non-singleton outputs into a series of epsilon-transitions -- -- This function is currently invalid since multiple out-edges in the `DFST` visit the same intermediate states (we should label intermediate states not only with an ordinal but also with the input Symbol from the `DFST`) toFST DFST{..} = flip execState initialFST $ forM_ (Map.toList stTransition) handleTransition where initialFST = FST { stInitial = (stInitial, 0) , stTransition = Map.empty , stAccept = Set.map (,0) stAccept } addTransition :: forall state input output. (Ord state, Ord input, Ord output) => (state, Maybe input) -> (state, Maybe output) -> State (FST state input output) () addTransition k v = modify $ \f@FST{ stTransition } -> f { FST.stTransition = Map.insertWith Set.union k (Set.singleton v) stTransition } handleTransition :: ((state, input), (state, Seq output)) -> State (FST (state, Natural) input output) () handleTransition ((st, inS), (st', outs)) = handleTransition' (st, 0) (Just inS) outs (st', 0) handleTransition' :: (state, Natural) -> Maybe input -> Seq output -> (state, Natural) -> State (FST (state, Natural) input output) () handleTransition' from inS Empty to = addTransition (from, inS) (to, Nothing) handleTransition' from inS (outS :<| Empty) to = addTransition (from, inS) (to, Just outS) handleTransition' from@(st, i) inS (outS :<| oo) to = addTransition (from, inS) ((st, succ i), Just outS) >> handleTransition' (st, succ i) Nothing oo to runDFST :: forall state input output. (Ord state, Ord input) => DFST state input output -> Seq input -> Maybe (Seq output) runDFST dfst@DFST{..} str = let (finalState, str') = runDFST' dfst stInitial str Seq.empty in str' <$ guard (finalState `Set.member` stAccept) runDFST' :: forall state input output. (Ord state, Ord input) => DFST state input output -> state -- ^ Current state -> Seq input -- ^ Remaining input -> Seq output -- ^ Accumulator containing previous output -> (state, Seq output) -- ^ Next state, altered output runDFST' _ st Empty acc = (st, acc) runDFST' dfst@DFST{..} st (c :<| cs) acc | Just (st', mc') <- stTransition !? (st, c) = runDFST' dfst st' cs $ acc <> mc' | otherwise = runDFST' dfst st cs acc \end{code}