--- title: Exercises in Category Theory — 1.2 published: 2016-02-02 tags: Category Theory ---
Let $\ca{Pno}$ be the category of objects $(A, \alpha, a)$ where $A$ is a set, $\alpha : A \to A$ is a unary function, and $a \in A$ is a nominated Element and morphisms $\arr{(A, \alpha, a)}{}{(B, \beta, b)}$ which are functions $f: A \to B$ preserving the structure such that $f \circ \alpha = \beta \circ f$ and $f(a) = b$. a) Verify that $\ca{Pno}$ is a category 1. For every $A \in \ca{Pno}$ there exists $\idarr{(A, \alpha, b)}$
$\id$ on $A$ is indeed a function which preserves the structure ($\id \circ \alpha = \alpha = \alpha \circ \id$, $\id(a) = a$) and thus a morphism
2. There exists a partial binary operation $\circ$ on the arrows of $\ca{Pno}$
Given three objects $(A, \alpha, a), (B, \beta, b), (C, \gamma, c)$ and two functions $g: A \to B$ and $f: B \to C$ the function $f \circ g: A \to C$ is an arrow in $\ca{Pno}$, that is to say, it preserves structure: $$(f \circ g) \circ \alpha = f \circ \beta \circ g = \gamma \circ (f \circ g)$$ and $$(f \circ g)(a) = f(b) = c$$
b) Show that $(\N, \textrm{succ}, 0)$ is a $\ca{Pno}$-object
$\N$ is indeed a Set, $\textrm{succ}$ is indeed an unary function and $0$ is indeed an element of $\N$.
c) Show that for each $\ca{Pno}$-object $(A, \alpha, a)$ there is an unique arrow $$\arr{(\N, \textrm{succ}, 0)}{}{(A, \alpha, a)}$$ and describe the behaviour of the carrying function.
We construct a carrying function recursively: $$\begin{aligned} f : \N & \to A \\ 0 & \mapsto a \\ \textrm{succ}(x) & \mapsto \alpha(f(x)) \end{aligned}$$ $f : \N \to A$ is indeed a morphism and thus an arrow. Given two morphisms $f : \N \to A$ and $g : \N \to A$ we show that they are pointwise identical by induction over $\N$: * $f(0) = a = g(0)$ * Given $n \in \N$: $$(f \circ \mathrm{succ})(n) = (\alpha \circ f)(n) \overset{\text{ind.}}{=} (\alpha \circ g)(n) = (g \circ \mathrm{succ})(n)$$