% Torsors and Their Classification Let $\ca C$ be some Grothendieck topos, that is a category of sheaves on some Grothendieck topology. This text will look at some properties of *torsors* in $\ca C$ and how they might be classified using cohomology and homotopy theory. For this we will first need to define group objects. Torsors will then be associated to those. A *group object* in a category $\ca C$ is an object $G\in\ca C$ such that the associated Yoneda functor $\hom(\_,G)\colon \op{\ca C}\to\Set$ actually takes values in the category $\Grp$ of groups. A trivial kind of example would be just a group considered as an object in $\Set$. A more involved example would be a *group scheme* $G$ over some base $S$. Such a thing is essentially defined as a group object in the category $\sch[S]$. If we have any subcanonical topology on $\sch[S]$, then $G$ defines a sheaf on the associated site and we obtain in this way a group object in the corresponding topos on $S$. Let's now assume we have a group object $G$ in a Grothendieck topos $\ca C$. Then we can define torsors over $G$ as follows: A *trivial torsor* over $G$ is an object $X$ with a left $G$--action which is isomorphic to $G$ itself with the action given by left multiplication. A *torsor* over $G$ is an object $X\in\ca C$ with a left $G$--action which is locally isomorphic to a trivial torsor; that is, there is an epimorphism $U\to *$ such that $U\times X$ is a trivial torsor in $\ca C/U$ over $U \times G$.