% More on the Architecture of math.kleen.org It's been more than a month since the last post here. Sorry about that. But I have now implemented a nice and fancy new feature for math.kleen.org, namely theorem environments: This could be your theorem here! Some theorems come with corollaries. How these work ties in quite well with describing how LaTeX formulas are converted to SVG for display in your browser. For example: $$ \int_{\partial M}\omega = \int_M\dd\omega $$ Both these features are accomplished via extensive processing with [Pandoc](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandoc). For converting LaTeX snippets into SVG, I have a little Haskell program that takes Pandocs native format, extracts all math snippets and compiles them with latex and dvisvgm. This program sits in the build subdirectory in . For the theorem environment I patched the Markdown reader to convert mock HTML tags like `` or `` into proper HTML. That way I can also retain the possibility of converting posts into LaTeX and make PDFs out of them. I'm not sure whether I will continue documenting this software like that. But if I ever write a redo replacement there will probably a few posts on the process.