From 9b2333f49cf510df8a42e0b2655ecb2c55c6d56c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gregor Kleen Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 14:26:40 +0200 Subject: Sketch of beuteltier-4.lhs --- provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs | 227 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 227 insertions(+) create mode 100644 provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs (limited to 'provider') diff --git a/provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs b/provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11cb8bc --- /dev/null +++ b/provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +--- +title: Business Logic for an Overly Complicated Feedreader +published: 2015-08-12 +tags: Beuteltier +--- + +It turns out I don´t have to write much in the way of comments—the source file is already +quite well commented. + +> {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} +> +> module Beuteltier +> ( -- * Forcing (Executing) 'Thunk's +> forceAllThunks +> , WithObjects +> , forceThunk +> , resetAllThunks +> , resetThunk +> -- * Higher level interactions with a 'Beutel' +> , replace +> , eqTo +> , update +> , forceAllThunks' +> , resetAllThunks' +> , module Beuteltier.Util +> , module Beuteltier.Types.Common +> ) where +> +> import Beuteltier.Types.Common +> import Beuteltier.Util +> +> import Data.Map (Map) +> import qualified Data.Map as Map +> +> import Control.Lens +> +> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS +> import qualified Data.ByteString as BS +> +> import qualified Data.Text as T +> import qualified Data.Text.IO as T +> import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL +> +> import System.FilePath +> import System.Directory +> import System.Posix.Files +> import System.Posix.Temp +> +> import System.Environment +> import System.IO +> import GHC.IO.Handle +> import System.Process as P +> import System.Exit +> +> import Control.Concurrent +> import Control.Applicative +> import Control.Monad.Morph +> import Control.Monad.Trans.State +> import Control.Monad.Writer +> import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource +> import Control.Monad (liftM) +> +> import Data.Time.Clock +> +> import Data.BoolExpr + +The distinguishing feature of our Overly Complicated Feedreader™ is it´s support for +`Thunk`s. It is thus reasonable to expect, that we have some functions to actually +interact with them. Most striking in that hypothetical set of functions would be one that +executes all thunks associated with a single `ObjectGen` and return a new one with the +content generated by `Thunk`s filled in. + +Enter `forceAllThunks`. + +> forceAllThunks :: (MonadIO f, MonadResource f) +> => (Thunk -> Bool) -- ^ Select which 'Thunk's to force +> -> ObjectGen f -> f (ObjectGen f) +> -- ^ Force all thunks in place and update '_oContent' +> -- +> -- The reason we require a 'MonadResource' instance is that we would like to store our expensive to hold in RAM 'SubObject' contents in temporary files. +> forceAllThunks pred = flip alter $ do +> pureThunks <- use oThunks >>= lift >>= mapM lift +> (newThunks, objectResults) <- mapAndUnzipM forceThunk' pureThunks +> assign oThunks $ return $ map return newThunks +> oContent %= liftM (<> mconcat objectResults) +> where +> forceThunk' thunk +> | pred thunk = forceThunk thunk +> | otherwise = return (thunk, Map.empty) + +`forceAllThunks'` (`resetAllThunks'` below, too) is tainted by the evil of +`generateObject` but included for convenience. + +> forceAllThunks' :: (MonadIO f, MonadResource f) => (Thunk -> Bool) -> StateT Object f () +> -- ^ Version of 'forceAllThunks' suitable for use with 'update' +> forceAllThunks' pred = get >>= lift . forceAllThunks pred . liftGen >>= lift . generateObject >>= put +> +> -- | Internal helper to track computations creating 'SubObject's +> type WithObjects (n :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) = WriterT (Map SubObjectName (n SubObject)) m +> +> forceThunk_ :: (MonadIO m, MonadResource m) => Thunk -> WithObjects (ResourceT IO) m Thunk +> -- ^ Make sure the 'ThunkState' contained within a 'Thunk' is 'Executed' +> forceThunk_ = flip alter $ do +> -- (result, subObjects) <- liftIO $ runWriterT $ parseThunk thunk +> -- writer ((), subObjects) +> (result, subObjects) <- listen . hoist (hoist liftResourceT) . lift . parseThunk =<< get +> tState .= Executed (Map.keys subObjects) result +> +> forceThunk :: (MonadResource m, MonadResource n) => Thunk -> m (Thunk, Map SubObjectName (n SubObject)) +> -- ^ Force a 'Thunk' and return it in 'Executed' state together with the 'SubObject's it created during execution +> forceThunk thunk = liftM (_2 %~ fmap liftResourceT) $ (runWriterT . forceThunk_) thunk + +Quite often we want to undue the harm done by `forceAllThunks` (to save space, usually). + +> resetAllThunks :: Monad f +> => (Thunk -> Bool) -- ^ Select which 'Thunk's to reset +> -> ObjectGen f -> f (ObjectGen f) +> -- ^ Undoes 'forceAllThunks': +> -- +> -- prop> forceAllThunks (const True) obj >>= resetAllThunks (const True) >>= forceAllThunks (const True) = forceAllThunks (const True) obj +> -- +> -- This inevitably drops information ('ThunkResult's for one). +> -- +> -- In the case where 'forceAllThunks' does not drop information (i.e.: no 'SubObjectName' collisions ocurr) the following, stronger property holds: +> -- +> -- prop> forceAllThunks (const True) obj >>= resetAllThunks (const True) = return obj +> resetAllThunks pred = flip alter $ do +> thunks <- liftM (map lift) (use oThunks >>= lift) >>= sequence +> let +> (subObjectNames, newThunks) = over _1 concat $ unzip $ map resetThunk' thunks +> oThunks .= return (map return newThunks) +> oContent %= (>>= return . Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `notElem` subObjectNames)) +> where +> resetThunk' thunk +> | pred thunk = resetThunk thunk +> | otherwise = ([], thunk) +> +> resetAllThunks' :: (MonadIO f, MonadResource f) => (Thunk -> Bool) -> StateT Object f () +> -- ^ Version of 'resetAllThunks' suitable for use with 'update' +> resetAllThunks' pred = get >>= lift . resetAllThunks pred . liftGen >>= lift . generateObject >>= put +> +> resetThunk :: Thunk -> ([SubObjectName], Thunk) +> -- ^ Reset a thunk and return the 'SubObjectName's of the 'SubObject's it once created. +> -- This forgets information. +> resetThunk thunk = case thunk ^. tState of +> NotExecuted -> ([], thunk) +> Executed created _ -> (created, set tState NotExecuted thunk) +> +> parseThunk :: Thunk -> WithObjects (ResourceT IO) (ResourceT IO) ThunkResult +> -- ^ Generate a runnable action from a 'Thunk' +> -- +> -- Regarding the "inner" and "outer" 'Monad' here being 'IO': We have not, at time of forcing, a neccessary connection to our backstore and thus cannot expect the monads to be anything else. +> parseThunk thunk = do +> tmpDirName <- liftIO getTemporaryDirectory +> progName <- liftIO getProgName +> let +> tmpDirName' = tmpDirName progName +> (_, tmpDir) <- allocate (mkdtemp tmpDirName') removeDirectoryRecursive +> let exec = tmpDir "exec" +> out = tmpDir "out" +> result <- liftIO $ do +> createDirectory out +> LBS.writeFile exec script +> setFileMode exec $ foldl unionFileModes nullFileMode [ownerReadMode, ownerExecuteMode] +> (Just std_in, Just std_out, Just std_err, ph) <- createProcess $ (P.proc exec []) { cwd = Just out, std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe } +> hClose std_in +> hSetBinaryMode std_out True +> hSetBinaryMode std_err True +> std_out `sendTo` stdout +> std_err `sendTo` stderr +> construct $ do +> rOutStd <~ TL.fromStrict <$> liftIO (T.hGetContents std_out) -- Yes, sadly we have to be strict here +> rOutErr <~ TL.fromStrict <$> liftIO (T.hGetContents std_err) +> rExit <~ toNum <$> liftIO (waitForProcess ph) +> outputFiles <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents out +> let +> outputFiles' = filter fileFilter outputFiles +> fileFilter = and . (<*>) [(/=) ".", (/=) ".."] . pure . takeFileName +> mapM_ tell =<< mapM (liftResourceT . toSubObject) outputFiles' +> return result +> where +> script = thunk ^. tScript +> toSubObject :: FilePath -> ResIO (Map SubObjectName (ResIO SubObject)) +> -- ^ Using 'ResourceT' provides us with the guarantee, that the 'FilePath' we´re referring to should still exist when we actually try to get the 'SubObject'´s contents +> toSubObject name = fmap (Map.singleton name' . return) $ construct $ do +> sContent <~ liftIO (LBS.readFile name) +> sUpdates <~ pure <$> liftIO getCurrentTime +> where +> name' = takeFileName name +> sendTo input output = do +> input' <- hDuplicate input +> forkIO $ do +> hSetBuffering input' NoBuffering +> LBS.hGetContents input' >>= LBS.hPutStr output +> return () +> toNum :: Num a => ExitCode -> a +> toNum ExitSuccess = 0 +> toNum (ExitFailure i) = fromInteger $ toInteger i + +We provide quite a few convenience functions for high-level interactions. + +> replace :: Beutel f => Object -> f () +> -- ^ @replace o@ replaces /all/ 'Object's 'Equivalent' to @o@ within the 'Beutel' with @o@. +> -- +> -- Does not handle '_sUpdates'. +> -- +> -- Uses 'eqTo' and is thus costly. +> replace o = delete (eqTo o) >> insert o +> +> eqTo :: Monad f => Object -> SearchQuery f +> -- ^ @eqTo o@ constructs a 'SearchQuery' that matches all 'Object's 'Equivalent' to @o@ +> -- +> -- This is costly because it calls 'generateObject' on the contents of the entire 'Beutel'. +> eqTo o = BConst ((>>= return . (~~) o) . generateObject) +> +> update :: Beutel f => SearchQuery f -> StateT Object f a -> f () +> -- ^ @update search action@ replaces /all/ 'Object's matching @search@ within the 'Beutel' by versions of themselves modified by applying @action@. +> -- +> -- Does not handle '_sUpdates'. +> -- +> -- This is costly because it calls 'generateObject' on the contents of the entire 'Beutel' /and/ all results of @search@ (in order to use 'Eq' on 'Object's to delete the results of the initial 'search'). +> update query alteration = do +> matches <- search query +> matches' <- mapM generateObject matches +> delete $ BConst ((>>= return . (`elem` matches')) . generateObject) +> mapM_ (\o -> alter o alteration >>= insert) matches' +> return () -- cgit v1.2.3