From 434c18eb5944bb4a2340623a3cfc0bf9ca9faad1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gregor Kleen Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 14:50:59 +0200 Subject: removed obsolete replace --- provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs | 13 +++---------- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) (limited to 'provider') diff --git a/provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs b/provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs index 11cb8bc..478cbac 100644 --- a/provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs +++ b/provider/posts/beuteltier-4.lhs @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tags: Beuteltier --- It turns out I don´t have to write much in the way of comments—the source file is already -quite well commented. +quite well documented. > {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} > @@ -197,16 +197,9 @@ Quite often we want to undue the harm done by `forceAllThunks` (to save space, u > toNum ExitSuccess = 0 > toNum (ExitFailure i) = fromInteger $ toInteger i -We provide quite a few convenience functions for high-level interactions. +We provide `update`, a convenience function for high-level interactions (though costly on +large sets of equivalent objects (which should not exist due to nubbing)). -> replace :: Beutel f => Object -> f () -> -- ^ @replace o@ replaces /all/ 'Object's 'Equivalent' to @o@ within the 'Beutel' with @o@. -> -- -> -- Does not handle '_sUpdates'. -> -- -> -- Uses 'eqTo' and is thus costly. -> replace o = delete (eqTo o) >> insert o -> > eqTo :: Monad f => Object -> SearchQuery f > -- ^ @eqTo o@ constructs a 'SearchQuery' that matches all 'Object's 'Equivalent' to @o@ > -- -- cgit v1.2.3