{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings #-} module Command ( Cmd(..) , parseCmd ) where import Data.PQueue.Prio.Max (MaxPQueue) import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Max as MaxPQueue (getMax) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..), gets) import Options.Applicative import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Types data Cmd = PerformAlt Alteration Comment | ShowTip | ShowHistory (Maybe Integer) | Dump | Quit | UnknownCommand String | ParseError String | Empty quoteChars, escapeChars :: [Char] quoteChars = ['"', '\''] escapeChars = ['\\'] isQuote, isEscape :: Char -> Bool isQuote q = q `elem` quoteChars isEscape e = e `elem` escapeChars parseCmd :: SequenceM m => String -> m Cmd parseCmd = parseCmd' . split where split :: String -> [String] split = reverse . split' [] "" Nothing Nothing split' :: [String] -> String -> Maybe Char -> Maybe Char -> String -> [String] split' ws w q e "" = trimStart $ (prepend q . append e $ reverse w):ws where prepend (Just c) = (c : ) prepend _ = id append (Just c) = (++ [c]) append _ = id trimStart ("":ws) = ws trimStart ws = ws split' ws w q e (c:cs) | null w , Nothing <- q , Nothing <- e , isQuote c = split' ws w (Just c) Nothing cs -- Start quoted word at unescaped quote | Nothing <- e , (Just q') <- q , c == q' = split' (reverse w : ws) "" Nothing Nothing cs -- Close quoted word at unescaped quote of same type | null w , isSpace c , Nothing <- e , Nothing <- q = split' ws w Nothing Nothing cs -- Ignore leading unescaped spaces if not within quotes | isSpace c , Nothing <- e , Nothing <- q = split' (reverse w : ws) "" Nothing Nothing cs -- Close unquoted word at unescaped space | Nothing <- e , isEscape c = split' ws w q (Just c) cs -- Set escaped flag at unescaped escape char | otherwise = split' ws (c : w) q Nothing cs -- Append to word parseCmd' :: SequenceM m => [String] -> m Cmd parseCmd' [] = return Empty parseCmd' args = do tip <- fmap snd <$> gets (MaxPQueue.getMax . ctxSequence) let runParser = execParserPure (prefs $ showHelpOnError) (cmdParser tip `info` progDesc "sequence - A tracker for combat sequences in Contact (a pen&paper rpg by Uhrwerk)") args return $ mapResult runParser where mapResult (Success a) = a mapResult (Failure help) = UnknownCommand . fst $ renderFailure help "" mapResult (CompletionInvoked _ ) = ParseError "Completion triggered" cmdParser :: Maybe Entity -> Parser Cmd cmdParser tip = hsubparser $ mconcat [ command "quit" $ pure Quit `info` progDesc "Exit gracefully" , command "dump" $ pure Dump `info` progDesc "Print all internal state in a format not necessarily human readable" , command "history" $ parseHistory `info` progDesc "Print an excerpt of combat history" , command "who" $ pure ShowTip `info` progDesc "Who’s turn is it?" , command "set" $ parseOverride `info` progDesc "Set an entities sequence value" , command "modify" $ parseModify `info` progDesc "Modify an entities sequence value" , command "drop" $ parseDrop `info` progDesc "Stop tracking an entity" , command "add" $ parseAdd `info` progDesc "Start tracking an entity" , command "rename" $ parseRename `info` progDesc "Rename an entity" ] where parseHistory = ShowHistory <$> optional (argument natural (help "How many entries to display" <> metavar "NATURAL")) parseOverride = PerformAlt <$> (Override <$> entity <*> sequenceValue') <*> comment parseModify = PerformAlt <$> (Modify <$> entity <*> sequenceValue) <*> comment parseDrop = PerformAlt <$> (Drop <$> entity) <*> comment parseAdd = PerformAlt <$> (Insert <$> entity <*> sequenceValue') <*> comment parseRename = PerformAlt <$> (Rename <$> entity <*> entity') <*> comment natural = do int <- auto if int < 0 then readerError "Natural number (0 ≤ n) required" else return int positive = do int <- auto if int <= 0 then readerError "Positive number (0 < n) required" else return int entity | (Just tip') <- tip = fromMaybe tip' <$> optional entity' | otherwise = entity' entity' = Entity <$> (Text.pack <$> strArgument (help "Name of the target entity" <> metavar "NAME")) <*> optional (argument positive $ help "Number of the target entity" <> metavar "NUMBER") sequenceValue = argument auto (help "Sequence value adjustment" <> metavar "SEQUENCE") sequenceValue' = argument auto (help "Sequence value" <> metavar "SEQUENCE") comment = fromMaybe "" . fmap Text.pack <$> optional (strArgument $ help "Comment to record in history together with this action" <> metavar "COMMENT") toMaybe Nothing = Nothing